triremes in English

an ancient Greek or Roman war galley with three banks of oars.
Successive displays chronicle the Greek trireme , perhaps the ultimate statement of rowing power, the Venetian gondola, the Thames wherry, wooden-hulled lifeboats and arctic whaleboats.

Use "triremes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "triremes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "triremes", or refer to the context using the word "triremes" in the English Dictionary.

1. He sent two triremes and some smaller ships to stop the crossing.

2. Nepherites supplied the Spartans with 500,000 measures of grain and material for 100 triremes.

3. Fire Ships can ONLY destroy Biremes, Triremes, and Light Ships Fireships do kill Sirens

4. Biremes, which contained two rows of oars on each side, were the technological predecessor of triremes

5. 5 Biremes (10:14:30) + 4 Light (11:55:08) = 22:09:38 5 Triremes = 14:53:55

6. The triremes smashed into the Persian vessels, crushing their hulls and driving them into one another.

7. You can build 5 Biremes and 4 Light Ships in 7 hours more than 5 Triremes with the same amount of FS and less resources

8. Biremes were ere long superseded by triremes, or vessels with three banks of oars, which are said to have been invented at Corinth, 12 but which came into use among the Phoenicians before the end of the sixth century B.C

9. Consequently the pilots, in spite of the fury of the waves, started from Formiae, and while they were struggling to double the promontory of Misenum, they were dashed by a violent south-west wind on the shores of Cumae, and lost, in all directions, a number of their triremes with some smaller vessels.