topple in English

Use "topple" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "topple" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "topple", or refer to the context using the word "topple" in the English Dictionary.

1. This scandal may topple the government.

2. This scandal could topple the government.

3. It was time to topple an elite team.

4. Political corruption threatens to topple the regime.

5. Revolutions topple the governments of Tunisia and Egypt.

6. It will immobilise it, or worse still, topple it over.

7. And the stilted, dying Tybalt threatens to topple into the crowd.

8. 15 The action seemed a clumsy attempt to topple the Janata Dal government.

9. This new element, says Kazin, worked to "topple the corrupted liberal order".

10. They may indeed topple it, but not in the way he anticipated.

11. If they don't like the job I'm doing, they topple statues.

12. To Republican fury, he has refused to topple off his wire.

13. He said more concessions to republicans would topple the peace agreement.

14. The action seemed a clumsy attempt to topple the Janata Dal government.

15. The general is accused of conniving in a plot to topple the government.

16. Anticipate (that) • They may indeed topple it, but not in the way he Anticipated

17. It took a brutal civil war to end slavery and federal troops to topple Jim Crow.

18. He looked a pugilist who a blow to the head and was about to topple.

19. She felt like a tightrope walker suffering an attack of vertigo, terrified she was going to topple.

20. Marriage to her was the armature of my ego; remove the armature and I might topple like clay.

21. Does the prophecy say the “king of the north” will topple the “king of the south” from his dominant position?

22. Systems topple, statues walk(, long-serving political incumbents take a hike in a huge global shake-up.

23. 14 Systems topple, statues walk,( long-serving political incumbents take a hike in a huge global shake-up.

24. We were a finely balanced investment, threatening constantly to topple over into the realms of demand and expenditure.

25. Here lies the real basis for agreement, but many more relics from the past may have to topple first.

26. Not even Mayor LaGuardia's closing down of all the Burleycue houses in New York was able to completely topple the Minsky empire

27. A shrewd new entrepreneur Contrives to topple Grant and the Brown brothers alike, and Lord Benton's obsession with Harp disintegrates into savagery

28. Her mother screeched and sat up Abruptly, having the chair topple down onto the floor in a loud clank of noises.

29. In the men's 90kg final, Russian volnykh sealed the quickest win of the tournament, taking just 20 seconds to topple and immobilise his opponent.

30. In the men's 90kg fInal, Russian volnykh sealed the quickest wIn of the tournament, takIng just 20 seconds to topple and immobilise his opponent.

31. More recently in April 2018, a group of students tried to topple the statue during a communist anti-American protest, but were prevented by riot police.

32. No country wants to run out of food or watch sky-high prices dump people into poverty and malnourishment. That can lead to riots and topple governments.

33. Eventually, after a period of six months of brutal war and a toll rate of almost 50,000 dead, we managed to liberate our country and to topple the tyrant.

34. As a member of the Iraqi National Congress, he worked for years to topple Saddam Hussein before being granted political asylum in the United States in 19

35. Eventually, after a period of six months of brutal war and a toll rate of almost 50, 000 dead, we managed to liberate our country and to topple the tyrant.

36. A turn-based game, Blackguards 2's action unfolds on a hexagonally gridded playing field, but with interactive elements such as doors and chests and impractically stacked crates that you can topple

37. Amino acids are very complex molecules; therefore they are less stable and more easily destroyed —just as it is easier to topple a stack of 10 bricks than a stack of three.

38. Inspired by the battle, two unknown brothers, Hyuga and Hikaru Hizashi, issue a challenge: armed with their own Lightning Beys Hyperion and Helios, this unlikely duo is going to topple Beyblade’s ruling elite.

39. In ecology, Allochthonous material is something imported into an ecosystem from outside of it, and in streams in particular, Allochthonous material includes leaves that fall or are washed into the water and branches and trees that topple into the stream.

40. Twice, after tortuous effort, squirming and twisting, he failed in Breasting the big trunk, and on the third attempt, after infinite exertion, he cleared it only to topple helplessly forward and fall on his face in the tangled undergrowth.

41. Beribboned -1 points 0 points 1 point 4 months ago Metal Face is a Mechon (which normal weapons can't hurt), so you need to inflict break (Shulk has a couple arts that can inflict this), then topple (Reyn can do this; the AI partner should be cool to help with this no matter which one of them you're playing).