Use "off-putting" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "off-putting" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "off-putting", or refer to the context using the word "off-putting" in the English Dictionary.

1. His manner is very off-putting.

2. The noise was rather off-putting.

3. Her sleazy gossip was very off - putting.

4. His rough manners were rather off-putting.

5. I find his manner very off-putting.

6. I find these scientific inconsistencies very off-putting.

7. Apparently he found use of the sleeve very off-putting.

8. Some women found the competitive style of the discussions off-putting.

9. While not exactly threatening, her demeanour was hard and off-putting.

10. However, many customers found the smell of this product distinctly off-putting.

11. They had gnomes in the garden, which was even more off-putting.

12. Solid text with no signposts is off-putting and difficult to digest.

13. She remembered her own off-putting attitude the day after it had happened.

14. "Aesthetically, it's stoic, even off-putting," said the theatre manager, leading a tour.

15. Some of her habits are off - putting but don't let them roil you.

16. I find it very off-putting when people don't look me in the eye.

17. There's nothing more off-putting at a wedding than a priest with an erection.

18. Nothing is more off-putting to a prospective employee than a delay in reply.

19. I find it very off-putting to have someone watching me all the time.

20. Yet this is not the cold, off-putting abstraction which arouses incomprehension in the ordinary spectator.

21. What I found off-putting was the amount of work that you were expected to do.

22. The resultant disturbances of the water and the movement is very off-putting to herons and cats.

23. He's slightly aggressive, which a lot of people find a bit off-putting when they first meet him.

24. No aspect of the concert experience is so intimidating or off-putting as the question of how to behave.

25. Stella takes him at his word and discounts his crime as one of passion, alluring rather than off-putting.

26. The Aggrandizement of Simon’s wealth is so off-putting, especially since he inherited it with no effort of his own

27. Sudden and abrupt changes in stance and orientation are off-putting for the opponent so work out some routines to achieve this.

28. Concerning the expensive drug scandal, other stores selling traditional Chinese medicine may well be off-putting for foreign buyers, especially the recent victims.

29. The language reads like historical fiction, and there are many “bethinks” and “Belikes” which might be off putting to those who like their stories told without frills

30. The question to be evaluated in the test market, however, is whether the in-car ads are too distracting, annoying or simply off-putting for their own good.

31. But, as with all belief systems, many acolytes have their own versions of what the Great Man said, and there are no arguments more minute, tedious, and off-putting than those among true believers.

32. 'daggerboard europiums desmodont deep-groaning cross-country fere levuloses self-scorn experimentalist cataphyll nonrotative nonissue Attendingly miserableness broaching ratteen Paderborn chitose charlatanism accoast Cardigan Anti-nationalist overdiligentness twin-set off-putting gestalts SGML Hluchy anteoccupation retablo dothienenteritis

33. You will have seen that to use XML with SDO, you do need a XML schema file from which the XML DAS can initialize the model of types and properties, and perhaps you found that off-putting.

34. Crept is still considered preferable to creeped in almost all cases, with one main exception—in the past tense of the phrasal verb creep out, meaning to strike [someone] as weird in a frightening or off-putting way.

35. Asafoetida, also known as Asafetida and hing, is a staple ingredient in Indian cooking and most commonly used in vegetarian recipes. It’s pungent smell can make this powder seem off-putting, but rest assured it dissipates while cooking, bringing a full, savory flavor to foods.