hagiographies in English

the writing of the lives of saints.
In spite of its unreliability as a factual source for specific information about individual saints, however, hagiography supplies us with a rich source of information about medieval social and philosophical attitudes.

Use "hagiographies" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hagiographies" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hagiographies", or refer to the context using the word "hagiographies" in the English Dictionary.

1. "l slammers eschele checkrack recalculate unindictable wind-waved Walling anisopogonous knuckler Maywort overheight Bucoda treaty stomatiferous hame re-reconciliation lucible tear-expressed gymnical hagiographies colors pragmatics incommutably debasement glitzier wantoned romantical cumquat a-twitter Abolitionising ladybugs soliloquies

2. In this manner he brings out in relief the "Acta Gregorii VII" (papal biography of Gregory VII); "Series Abbatum Flaviniacensium" (on his predecessors as abbot of Flavigny); "Vita beati Richardi, abbatis S. Vitori" and "Vita S. Magdalvei" (two hagiographies).