disruption of proceedings in English

disturbance of a court hearing, disruption of a process

Use "disruption of proceedings" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disruption of proceedings" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disruption of proceedings", or refer to the context using the word "disruption of proceedings" in the English Dictionary.

1. The uncertainty and disruption of drawn-out and doubtless acrimonious divorce proceedings would depress investment and growth.

2. For instance, weapons of mass disruption.

3. Act XLIX of 1991 on Bankruptcy Proceedings and Liquidation Proceedings

4. The strike caused widespread disruption .

5. - prompter implementation of infringement proceedings;

6. Proceedings closed.

7. Allocation of responsibility for commencing proceedings

8. Court Proceedings, Jury Proceedings and Jury Trials; Statewide grand jury proceedings shall remain suspended through July 26, 2020

9. Sir, we now have the disruption frequency.

10. Framing the onset of lung cancer Biographically: narratives of continuity and disruption

11. Swelling of the mitochondria with disruption of the cristae was sometimes observed.

12. These changes included loss of matrix density, disruption of cristae, and swelling.

13. Planning for holidays will cause disruption and inconvenience.

14. The strike caused widespread disruption to flight schedules.

15. Finland has separate legislation on bankruptcy proceedings (Bankruptcy Code) and restructuring proceedings (Reorganization of Enterprises Act).

16. Traumatic disruption of the acetabular triradiate cartilage is an infrequent injury.

17. • disruption of activities (feeding, calving, movement, migration, etc.) and alteration of habitat;

18. Aposiopesis: An obsolete term for disruption in the flow of thought.

19. The bombing campaign caused massive disruption to industry.

20. Algeria proposes to replace the title “Transfer of criminal proceedings” with “Communication with regard to criminal proceedings”

21. Proceedings of the # th AKKOR Congress (Moscow

22. Integration of mating disruption technique and parasitoids for the management of cotton Bollworms

23. to facilitate the amicable settlement of proceedings.

24. The mechanism of action for Cephalosporins involves disruption of bacterial cell wall synthesis

25. Machine learning is the technology that's responsible for most of this disruption.