disrupt investigation in English

disturb or impede an investigatio

Use "disrupt investigation" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disrupt investigation" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disrupt investigation", or refer to the context using the word "disrupt investigation" in the English Dictionary.

1. To disrupt the composure of; disconcert.

2. Algicides disrupt cells and liberate intracellular toxins

3. And it helps to disrupt their lives.

4. The war seemed likely to disrupt the state.

5. Climate change could disrupt the agricultural economy.

6. Moving schools frequently can disrupt a child's education.

7. Perhaps better housing policy could disrupt the pattern.

8. They used violence to disrupt opposition rallies and meetings.

9. His objective was to permanently disrupt patient community life.

10. Articular fractures visibly disrupt Articular cartilage and subchondral bone.

11. It will disrupt the economy of all the countries.

12. They can disrupt the economy through strikes and boycotts.

13. They tried to disrupt communications between the two headquarters.

14. An investigation.

15. The attacks are designed to disrupt plans for the elections.

16. Long-haul flights can seriously disrupt your biological clock.

17. Abusively using sockpuppets to further disrupt Wikipedia, despite his ban

18. For example, murmuring can disrupt a congregation’s peace and unity.

19. Storms or solar flares they disrupt the satellite link up.

20. My wife’s Accusatory questions are starting to disrupt our marriage

21. But distractions can easily disrupt your good routine of Kingdom service.

22. A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain.

23. PBDEs disrupt TH-dependent dendrite Arborization of cerebellar Purkinje cells

24. Abusively using sockpuppets to further disrupt Wikipedia, despite his ban

25. The Aggregator business model has come to disrupt every industry