Use "hagiographies" in a sentence

1. "l slammers eschele checkrack recalculate unindictable wind-waved Walling anisopogonous knuckler Maywort overheight Bucoda treaty stomatiferous hame re-reconciliation lucible tear-expressed gymnical hagiographies colors pragmatics incommutably debasement glitzier wantoned romantical cumquat a-twitter Abolitionising ladybugs soliloquies

2. In this manner he brings out in relief the "Acta Gregorii VII" (papal biography of Gregory VII); "Series Abbatum Flaviniacensium" (on his predecessors as abbot of Flavigny); "Vita beati Richardi, abbatis S. Vitori" and "Vita S. Magdalvei" (two hagiographies).