Use "disrupt investigation" in a sentence

1. To disrupt the composure of; disconcert.

2. Algicides disrupt cells and liberate intracellular toxins

3. And it helps to disrupt their lives.

4. The war seemed likely to disrupt the state.

5. Climate change could disrupt the agricultural economy.

6. Moving schools frequently can disrupt a child's education.

7. Perhaps better housing policy could disrupt the pattern.

8. They used violence to disrupt opposition rallies and meetings.

9. His objective was to permanently disrupt patient community life.

10. Articular fractures visibly disrupt Articular cartilage and subchondral bone.

11. It will disrupt the economy of all the countries.

12. They can disrupt the economy through strikes and boycotts.

13. They tried to disrupt communications between the two headquarters.

14. An investigation.

15. The attacks are designed to disrupt plans for the elections.

16. Long-haul flights can seriously disrupt your biological clock.

17. Abusively using sockpuppets to further disrupt Wikipedia, despite his ban

18. For example, murmuring can disrupt a congregation’s peace and unity.

19. Storms or solar flares they disrupt the satellite link up.

20. My wife’s Accusatory questions are starting to disrupt our marriage

21. But distractions can easily disrupt your good routine of Kingdom service.

22. A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain.

23. PBDEs disrupt TH-dependent dendrite Arborization of cerebellar Purkinje cells

24. Abusively using sockpuppets to further disrupt Wikipedia, despite his ban

25. The Aggregator business model has come to disrupt every industry

26. Left-wing extremists have threatened to disrupt the political convention.

27. Penicillin and related antibiotics disrupt cell wall synthesis to induce Bacteriolysis

28. Stress triggers the release of cortisol, which can disrupt nerve interactions.

29. How an Automated investigation expands its scope While an investigation is running, any other alerts generated from the device are added to an ongoing Automated investigation until that investigation is completed.

30. Intentional disrupt computer system, which is a crime under Chinese penal code.

31. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has also joined the investigation into the incident.

32. Truth never fears investigation.

33. It's my sculptural investigation.

34. Don’t miss your chance to Attend Disrupt 2021 for less than $100

35. High noise levels are known to disrupt communication, concentration, and intellectual performance.

36. We should not disrupt it by engaging in faultfinding, quarreling, or complaining.

37. 24 Left-wing extremists have threatened to disrupt the political convention.

38. The investigation is biased.

39. An overhasty shutdown, he acknowledges, would cause electricity shortages and disrupt people's lives.

40. In a cavernous Angioma blood vessels are malformed and disrupt normal blood flow

41. Potassium Bromate also has the potential to disrupt the genetic material within cells

42. If an eavesdropper tried to intercept the transmission, it would disrupt the signal.

43. The investigation revealed no impropriety.

44. The investigation does seem haphazard.

45. Capitol “Investigation” Criminalizes Political Dissent

46. Boreholes included in this investigation

47. Anachronismatical Federal crime investigation field

48. A police investigation in Scotland.

49. Using HTTP in the tracking template can disrupt your click measurement and redirect systems.

50. This was especially the case when uninvited “guests” showed up to disrupt the convention.

51. 80 | Security and investigation activities |

52. This involves our avoiding aggressiveness, a belligerent attitude, or actions that would disrupt peace.

53. Harriet slept so soundly that even her stentorian snoring did not disrupt her slumber.

54. Sequential sharp debridement of wounds will disrupt the Biofilm growth and promote faster healing

55. Some can inhibit a specific function of a protein or disrupt protein–protein interactions.

56. Using HTTP in the tracking template can disrupt your click measurement or redirect systems.

57. Cyberterrorism definition is - terrorist activities intended to damage or disrupt vital computer systems.

58. They were to disrupt Allied shipping and draw capital ships from other areas.

59. The quarrels of the different political parties seemed likely to disrupt the state.

60. He also did not want to disrupt the audience's melancholy after the Titanic's sinking.

61. The protesters have no God-given right to disrupt the life of the city.

62. At the least, President Reagan's plans of involving the private sector could disrupt this system.


64. We are making a thorough investigation.

65. Investigation exculpated him from the charge.

66. The review board finished their investigation.

67. The investigation yielded some unexpected results.

68. Prompting an investigation on my daughter.

69. We cannot prosecute the investigation further.

70. It's my office, Cam, my investigation!

71. – Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation Agency;

72. The Divine Constabulary is under investigation.

73. The investigation is proceeding without interruption.

74. During the investigation, two detectives Assumed …

75. She's interfering with a federal investigation.

76. We are under investigation for misconduct.

77. Darius’ investigation and decree (1-12)

78. 4 Further investigation is clearly warranted.

79. The investigation Culminated with several arrests

80. The premises is under federal investigation.