repeats in Germany

epeats [ripiːts] nachgeredet, wiederholt

Sentence patterns related to "repeats"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "repeats" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "repeats", or refer to the context using the word "repeats" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. History repeats itself.

2. Crispr stands for “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats.” Those repeats are found in bacteria’s DNA

3. This cycle repeats itself ad infinitum.

4. 5 Cucumber always repeats on me.

5. 24 This cycle of events continually repeats itself.

6. The most rudimentary algorithm repeats a single instruction.

7. This cycle of events continually repeats itself.

8. Interminable television coverage blocking out the Scooby Doo repeats.

9. Another niggling problem is their inconsistent approach to repeats.

10. The last figure of the decimal 0.63 repeats.

11. A closed Curve is a path that repeats

12. The agent repeats "Any way you want it"

13. Usually you find these tandem repeats outside of genes.

14. The Quran repeats (and embellishes somewhat) the Absurdities of the Biblical Exodus

15. Grandfather is forgetful and often repeats himself when he tells a story.

16. At the coda it repeats the B section groove until the fade.

17. If the director decides additional takes are required, the whole process repeats.

18. The TV station just shows repeats of old comedy programmes ad infinitum.

19. The story repeats the theme of the unfaithful husband and virtuous wife.

20. The acronym ‘Crispr’ stands for 'Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats'

21. It seems almost needless to say nowadays that exposition repeats are faithfully observed.

22. In nature, the Crispr palindromic repeats play an important role in microbial immunity.

23. Chimerism could be proven by variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) analysis

24. It airs Tuesday evenings on the Disney Channel and repeats Sunday afternoons.

25. The metonic series repeats eclipses every 19 years (6939.69 days), lasting about 5 cycles.

26. Additionally the existence of trade commercialtransportation center in consignor dock repeats construction apparently.

27. As frontal lobe function deteriorates further, the patient repeats actions over and over.

28. Most prototypic sequences from RU are consensus sequences of large families and subfamilies of repeats.

29. So for the onlooker, the player merely repeats himself with each run of the level.

30. And at Psalm 29:10, he repeats: “Jehovah sits as king to time indefinite.”

31. Abundancy of polymorphic CGG repeats in the human genome suggest a broad involvement in neurological disease

32. Chávez also repeats, ad nauseam , the idea that others are to blame for Latin America’s ills.

Zudem käut Chávez bis zum Überdruss die Ansicht wieder, andere seien an den Übeln Lateinamerikas schuld.

33. Mr. Obama repeats the canard that China's remarkable economic success is due to sinister currency deflation.

34. While a respiratory therapist Auscultates a patient's chest, the patient repeats the words, one, two, three

35. The agent counsels them obliquely against waste, repeats the letter of the law, and smiles.

36. What is an Appositive? An Appositive is a word that repeats its antecedent or renames the noun.

37. In mathematics, a periodic function is a function that repeats its values in regular intervals or periods.

38. Analize official Twitter account of DiAblesse 😈 (@emy_coquine) by words and their repeats of last year

39. Chávez also repeats,ad nauseam, the idea that others are to blame for Latin America’s ills.

Zudem käut Chávez bis zum Überdruss die Ansicht wieder, andere seien an den Übeln Lateinamerikas schuld.

40. He repeats the Hogwarts motto: "Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus", Latin for "Never tickle a sleeping dragon".

41. The bibulous Bohunk shows up periodically and just repeats the same damn stupid things, over and over again

42. XForms makes it easy to iterate over nested sets like this through the nesting of the corresponding repeats.

43. The Backwinded jib will once again push the bow off the wind as the cycle repeats itself

44. A Cycle is an event, such as a price high or low, which repeats itself on a regular basis

45. Chimerism testing is performed by analyzing short tandem repeats (STR) using an in-house developed and optimized test

46. They say fashion repeats itself, and that must be true because Cropped t-shirts are trending right now

47. Crispr (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) are segments of prokaryotic DNA containing short repetitions of base sequences

48. These non-coding base-pair repeated sequences bear the complicated name variable number tandem repeats, abbreviated to VNTR.

49. The first text repeats the prohibition against eating an animal found dead, perhaps one that was killed by wild beasts.

50. Anaphora is a rhetorical term for when a writer or speaker repeats the same beginning of a sentence several times.