repelled in Germany

epelled [ripeld] wies ab, zurückgewiese

Sentence patterns related to "repelled"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "repelled" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "repelled", or refer to the context using the word "repelled" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. His greasy hair repelled her.

2. She was repelled by his ugliness.

3. Should I envy you or be repelled?

4. The minister tremulously , but decidedly , repelled the old man's arm.

5. Enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life.

6. He selected some daintily, repelled by their hairy skin.

7. 7 He selected some daintily, repelled by their hairy skin.

8. The Cambodians took this opportunity to invade Siam but was also repelled.

9. My problem is I'm both attracted and repelled by the male organ.

10. In this action, I Company suffered many casualties but repelled the attack.

11. Battle of Drewry's Bluff 15 May – Union naval attack repelled by Confederate artillery.

12. Antonyms for Captivated include repulsed, disgusted, revolted, sick, nauseated, repelled, sickened, bored, disenchanted and disenthralled

13. Callinicos' Marxism has been repelled from the ramparts of pluralism for being ... well, Marxist.

14. In contrast, hydrophobes are not attracted to water and may seem to be repelled by it.

15. Armadillos have exceptionally strong senses of smell and are naturally repelled by certain scents

16. They are as repelled by money-grabbing, opportunistic plaintiffs as by reckless, gluttonous corporations.

17. Chesty Puller’s regiment acted as the rear guard and repelled two fierce enemy assaults

18. Whitecoat Battalias and commanded shot, however, have repelled their attackers and retreat in good order

19. Averse: adjective adverse , alienus , antagonistic , disinclined , disliking , hostile , inimical , loath , opposed , reluctant , repelled , revolted , undesirous

20. Antonyms for Bestowed include denied, refused, rejected, repelled, unauthorised, unauthorized, declined, vetoed, banned and blocked

21. They have been repelled by the apparent sophistry of parts of his essay on " Civil Disobedience ".

22. As usual, it was the strange smell that repelled him - a sweet sickly smell that he couldn't identify.

23. Step 3 : If the aluminum foil ball is repelled away from the dish, the electroscope works.

24. According to the Ukrainians, the separatists launched three attacks on Ukrainian positions, with all of them being repelled.

25. Its bay rumbled with cannon fire of the liberator Zheng Chenggong and the great cannon of Hulishan repelled the Japanese.

26. 24 But, instead, he drew back, repelled and almost frightened by the flooding, uncontrolled wildness of the emotion.

27. Tests involving 250 contacts with sharks showed that in each case sharks were repelled by the new deterrent.

28. The rebels then crossed the Ariake Sea and briefly besieged Matsukura Katsuie's Shimabara Castle, but were again repelled.

29. By contrast, VLDL and high density lipoproteins (HDL) are repelled from the adsorbents due to their higher negative surface charge density.

Hingegen verhindert die höhere negative Oberflächenladungsdichte von VLDL und High Density Lipoproteinen (HDL) deren Bindung an die PAA-Adsorbentien.

30. These, instead of co-precipitating with the clay matrix, are repelled from it, and accumulate at the sediment solution interface.

Diese werden, statt zusammen mit dem Lehmmaterial abzuscheiden, davon abgesondert und häufen sich in der Sedimentlösungs-zwischenschicht an.

31. There were those who found him an oddity and some who were repelled by his right-wing and reactionary views.

32. Storrs was repelled by the Adventist view that God would resurrect wicked people for the sole purpose of putting them to death again.

33. 21 synonyms for Abhor: hate, loathe, despise, detest, shrink from, shudder at, recoil from, be repelled by, have an aversion to, abominate, execrate

34. In December 1271, Edward and his troops saw some action when they repelled an attack by Baibars on the city of Acre.

35. Since electrons are repelled by the negative charge, the Cathode is seen as the "source" of the Cathode ray in the vacuum chamber.

36. Garrison appealed to the master's heirs for redress, but was repelled with Contumely. We shall not be cast aside in Contumely and unblest after all we have suffered.

37. According to Lange’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, this Bible verse speaks of “the hasty, rough, moody treatment of children, so that . . . they are repelled and enticed to opposition, defiance and bitterness.”

38. abhor verb hate, loathe, despise, detest, shrink from, shudder at, recoil from, be repelled by, have an aversion to, abominate, execrate, regard with repugnance or horror He was a man who Abhorred violence

39. Abominate verb hate, dislike, loathe, despise, detest, abhor, shudder at, recoil from, regard with repugnance, feel repelled by, have an aversion to, execrate, feel hostile to 'I Abominate dogma,' he said

40. Abominate verb hate, dislike, loathe, despise, detest, abhor, shudder at, recoil from, regard with repugnance, feel repelled by, have an aversion to, execrate, feel hostile to 'I Abominate dogma,' he said

41. When invaders reached the outskirts of Rome, they were repelled by an improvised army assembled by the Senate, consisting of local troops (probably praetorian guards) and the strongest of the civilian population.

42. Abhor verb hate, loathe, despise, detest, shrink from, shudder at, recoil from, be repelled by, have an aversion to, abominate, execrate, regard with repugnance or horror He was a man who Abhorred violence

43. Government forces reportedly launched an attack, accompanied by intensified aerial bombardment, resulting in ISIL being repelled from the areas that it had gained since 25 June in the south-west of the city.

44. See aristocratic ‘The theme in the title is gradually worked out as Margaret - at first Aristocratically repelled by ‘trade’ and its practitioners - comes to know and respect the ideas and the family life of both mill-hands and mill-owners.’

45. The place is small and pokey, with Cramped rooms and straight, narrow pathways.: The other 11 rooms are a bit Cramped, though have the same sumptuous fabrics and comfort levels as public rooms.: Repelled by the sunless, Cramped conditions in the cities, well-intended architects became obsessed with order

46. In the Battle of Aintab in August 1150, a Crusader force commanded by King Baldwin III of Jerusalem repelled the attacks of Nur ad-Din Zangi of Aleppo and evacuated the Latin Christian residents of the County of Edessa.This was both a tactical victory and a strategic defeat for the Crusaders.

47. In contrast with the helium nuclei (alpha particles) which are positively charged, and therefore repelled by the considerable electrical forces present in the nuclei of heavy atom s, this new tool in atomic disintegration need not overcome any electric barrier and is capable of penetrating and splitting the nuclei of even the heaviest elements.

1943 beschlossen die Regierungen der beiden Staaten, ihre Atomprogramme zu koordinieren.

48. The Battle of Bolshie Ozerki was a major engagement fought during the Allied North Russia Intervention in the Russian Civil War.Beginning on March 31, 1919, a force of British, American, Polish, and White Russian troops engaged several Red Army partisan regiments at the village of Bolshie Ozerki.Although the initial Allied attacks were repelled, the outnumbered Allies managed to repel the