replaced in Germany

eplaced [ripleist] ausgewechselt, ersetzt, ersetzte

Sentence patterns related to "replaced"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "replaced" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "replaced", or refer to the context using the word "replaced" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. In 1939, aluminium bronze replaced copper and, in 1940, stainless steel replaced nickel.

1939 ersetzte Aluminium-Bronze die Kupfermünzen und 1940 wurden die Nickelmünzen durch Stahl ersetzt.

2. Anyone can be replaced.

3. I replaced your prop.

4. Was the window really replaced?

5. They replaced trams by buses.

6. He replaced a dud valve.

7. Replaced with tears and sorrow.

8. feels like the wallpaper's been replaced.

9. The codex replaced the cumbersome scroll.

10. The missing pane has been replaced.

11. New commissars replaced the provincial governors.

12. AirLand Battle replaced 1976's "Active Defense" doctrine, and was itself replaced by the modern "Full Spectrum Operations".

Das AirLand-Battle-Konzept ersetzte 1976 den Vorgänger „Active Defense“ Doktrin und wurde seinerseits durch die „Full Spectrum Operations“ ersetzt.

13. Seven USTs were removed, two were replaced with USTs and one replaced with an aboveground storage tank (AST).

14. His deputy replaced him as leader.

15. Drive belt needs to be replaced.

16. Oranges were replaced every 11 days.

17. In most scenarios, Along with can be replaced by with, but with cannot be replaced by Along with

18. 1930s New techniques were applied to improve the quality and quantity of survey results: oars were replaced with motors, acoustic echo-sounding replaced lead and line, lithographic printing replaced copperplate engraving.

19. CE marking || No alignment, CE marking replaced by a wheelmark || · No alignment, CE marking replaced by a wheelmark

CE-Kennzeichnung || keine Angleichung, CE-Kennzeichnung ersetzt durch Steuerrad-Kennzeichen || · keine Angleichung, CE-Kennzeichnung ersetzt durch Steuerrad-Kennzeichen

20. He replaced the CD in the rack.

21. He replaced the book on the shelf.

22. They also replaced my spleen and colon.

23. We've replaced the windows with bulletproof glass.

24. He is inefficient and must be replaced.

25. Steel gate is replaced by neoprene guides.

26. This suffix is then replaced by -Atie

27. Having spark plug and the diaphragm replaced.

28. Metal objects replaced prior ones of stone.

29. It replaced Indiana's first Constitution of 1816

30. Racial Barriers Replaced by Brotherhood of Mankind:

31. The soda lime should also be replaced.

32. He was replaced by nationalist Mohammad Mosaddegh.

33. She replaced the dress in the wardrobe.

34. She replaced the receiver on the cradle.

35. At 48K miles dealer replaced 3 wheel Berryings

36. I replaced the alternator a couple months ago

Ich habe die Lichtmaschine vor ein paar Monaten ausgetauscht

37. 10,000 panes of glass had to be replaced.

38. The man with the beard replaced his revolver.

39. The Olympians replaced the older religion through conquest.

40. Fluid losses should be replaced with normal saline.

41. Then the barter system was replaced by coins.

42. A modern prison has replaced the Victorian one.

43. The blades can be adjusted and replaced individually.

Die einzelnen Klingen können individuell nachgestellt und ausgewechselt werden.

44. Section 13 is replaced by the following text:

Abschnitt 13 erhält folgenden Wortlaut:

45. Tu-134A-2 The glass nose was replaced.

46. 10 He replaced the CD in the rack.

47. Kỳ replaced him with General Tôn Thất Đính.

48. My body has been replaced by a shell.

49. Subsequently, the Swastika was replaced by the Cross.

50. At 48K miles dealer replaced 3 wheel Berryings