prohibits in Germany

prohibits [prəhibits] untersagt, verbietet

Sentence patterns related to "prohibits"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prohibits" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prohibits", or refer to the context using the word "prohibits" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The law specifically prohibits acts of this kind.

2. Since 1990, the Gayssot Act prohibits Holocaust denial.

3. Maria, for example, knew that God prohibits fornication.

4. The Amendment prohibits "cruel and unusual punishment".

5. The treaty prohibits military activities and mineral mining, prohibits nuclear explosions and nuclear waste disposal, supports scientific research, and protects the continent's ecozone.

6. Article 86 prohibits the abuse of a dominant position.

Artikel 86 verbietet die mißbräuchliche Ausnutzung einer beherrschenden Stellung.

7. Florida law prohibits punitive damages that bankrupt companies.

8. Indiana, for example, prohibits Autodialing to its residents.

9. Article 7 prohibits the retroactive criminalisation of acts and omissions.

10. It prohibits all activities relating to mineral resources except scientific.

11. 2 The law prohibits tobacconists from selling cigarettes to children.

12. The Order of Planets prohibits interfering with other worlds.

13. Their spartan lifestyle prohibits a fridge or a phone.

14. Bartlett Regional Hospital Human Resources expressly prohibits third-party application submissions

15. Mexican law prohibits the clergy from teaching in universities and schools.

16. Product placement – Surreptitious advertising Danish law prohibits the surreptitious advertising.

17. The ordinance prohibits the city from recharging in contaminated areas.

18. The federal Trademark Act, also called the Lanham Act, prohibits such Counterfeiting.

19. Google Ads prohibits the sale or promotion for sale of counterfeit goods.

20. FACTS A Quebec City bylaw prohibits distributing literature without a police permit.

21. The act prohibits price discrimination that lessens competition or injures a competitor.

22. Article 13 prohibits television advertising for cigarettes and other tobacco products.

Artikel 13 verbietet Fernsehwerbung für Zigaretten und andere Tabakerzeugnisse.

23. They do not approve of the actions that the Bible prohibits.

24. The act prohibits neglect, torture, or uncaring transport of live animals.

25. Google prohibits the sale or promotion for sale of counterfeit products.

26. Google prohibits this behavior and is constantly improving detection and enforcement.

27. The current policy which already prohibits radar detectors themselves still applies.

28. The loudness of the music prohibits serious conversation in most nightclubs.

29. 1 The law prohibits tobacconists from selling cigarettes to young men.

30. The Evin law of January 10, 1991 prohibits advertising for tobacco and alcohol.

Das Evin-Gesetz vom 10. Januar, 1991 verbietet die Werbung für Tabak und Alkohol.

31. Abeyance prohibits activated abilities of cards which are not on the battlefield

32. Article 5 of the Labour Code absolutely prohibits forced or compulsory labour.

33. Google absolutely prohibits monetisation of content related to child sexual abuse imagery or pedophilia.

34. Article # prohibits the drowning, abandonment or any other form of maltreatment of infants

35. Article 82 of the EC Treaty prohibits the abuse of a dominant position.

Artikel 82 EG-Vertrag verbietet den Missbrauch einer marktbeherrschenden Stellung.

36. Article 9 of the Directive prohibits aerial spraying of pesticides, except under derogation.

Artikel 9 der Richtlinie untersagt das Spritzen oder Sprühen mit Luftfahrzeugen, sofern keine Ausnahmeregelung vorliegt.

37. Article 9 prohibits the abandonment of children by mothers infected with HIV/AIDS.

38. It prohibits Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from disclosing information gathered in providing services.

39. Synonyms for Criminalizes include outlaws, proscribes, forbids, bans, interdicts, illegalizes, prohibits, bars, vetoes and disallows

40. The AFS-Convention, at this stage, only prohibits the application of organotin compounds on ships.

Das AFS-Übereinkommen verbietet zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt nur die Verwendung zinnorganischer Verbindungen auf Schiffen.

41. 24 Protect your innocence. Our innocence allows us to do what the practical mind prohibits.

42. The Poisons Act prohibits the sale of poison to persons below the age of

43. Mosaic legislation never commands or condones plural marriages but rather prohibits polygamy/Concubinage (Lev

44. Article 15 prohibits discrimination or disability in the matter of access to public places .

45. Article 21 prohibits the drowning, abandonment or any other form of maltreatment of infants.

46. September 10 – Germany prohibits all foreign air traffic in its airspace except along specific air corridors.

47. It speaks of liberty and prohibits the deprivation of liberty without the due process of law.

48. (2) requires Countersignatures; (3) prohibits the solicitation of insurance in this state by a nonresident or the payment of commissions to a nonresident; or (4) prohibits a nonresident from acting as a surplus or excess lines agent.

49. Abo & NCLE prohibits discrimination of any type or nature, and all decisions are made impartially.

50. Brazilian law also prohibits and penalizes other activities related to forced labour, including debt bondage.