prohibitory duties in Germany

prohibitory duties [prəhibitriːdjuːtiz] Sperrzölle

Sentence patterns related to "prohibitory duties"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prohibitory duties" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prohibitory duties", or refer to the context using the word "prohibitory duties" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The standpoint that there could not be authorization norms and prohibitory norms is improper, however all norms of criminal law are not prohibitory ones.

2. The vow of chastity creates only a prohibitory impediment to marriage.

3. The theoretical basis for the defining of the prohibitory right is confusion theory.

4. The treaty in question does not contravene any prohibitory words to be found in the Constitution.

5. Rights imply duties, and duties demand accountability

6. If further injuries are to be feared, the person entitled may seek a prohibitory injunction.

7. Experimental results show that the prohibitory signs can be detected quickly and exactly in this method.

8. 8 The treaty in question does not contravene any prohibitory words to be found in the Constitution.

9. | BUDGET HEADING: Chapter 10 – Agricultural duties Chapter 12 – Customs duties | APPROPRIATIONS: |

| HAUSHALTSLINIE(N): Kapitel 10 – Agrarzölle Kapitel 12 – Zölle | MITTELANSATZ: |

10. Ceo Duties & Responsibilities

11. Busser Duties and Responsibilities

12. Don't neglect your duties.

13. Beautician Duties and Responsibilities

14. It is usually the opposite of a prohibitory injunction but there are mandatory injunctions which have a similar effect to specific performance.

15. Article 10 Reduction and phasing out of agricultural components, ad valorem duties and additional duties

Artikel 10 Herabsetzung und schrittweiser Abbau von Agrarteilbeträgen, Wertzöllen und Zusatzzöllen

16. New girls get cleaning duties.

17. Except when marital duties call.

18. Rights are inseparable from duties.

19. We discharged our duties faithfully.

20. In the course of the Business Transfer, its content involves obligatory right and debt, prohibitory rules against competition , labor contract and anti-monopoly as wel

21. Senior Caregiver duties and responsibilities

22. Scriptural Duties Toward a Wife

23. Crime Analyst Duties & Responsibilities

24. His duties and mine overlap.

25. 17 Their duties were inconsiderable.