prolapse in Germany

prolapse [proulæps] prolabiere

Sentence patterns related to "prolapse"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prolapse" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prolapse", or refer to the context using the word "prolapse" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Moderate pain may be caused by anal prolapse, hemorrhoids, anal tumors, anal eczema and perianal prolapse.

Einen eher protrahierten Schmerzcharakter zeigen Analprolaps, Hämorrhoidalprolaps, Analtumoren, Analekzem und Senkungsprobleme des Beckenbodens.

2. A differentiation must be made between anoderm prolapse, mariscae, thromboses of the anal veins and segmental mucosal prolapse of the rectum as well as circular external prolapse of the rectum.

Abzugrenzen sind Anodermprolaps, Marisken, Analvenenthrombosen sowie segmentaler Rektummukosaprolaps und zirkulärer manifester Rektumprolaps.

3. System for combined anterior and posterior prolapse repair

4. KEYWORDS: noncompaction cardiomyopathy, Bicuspidal aortic valve, mitral valve prolapse

5. Usually mitral valve prolapse does n't cause any problems .

6. ‘Postpartum uterine Atony and hemorrhage can be effectively prevented with the use of oxytocin, but the optimal dosage and route of administration have not been established.’ ‘This in turn leads to gastric Atony, floating kidney, hernia, rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse and other forms of prolapse.’

7. The different pathogenesis of the anal and rectal prolapse is demonstrated.

Die unterschiedliche Pathogenese des analen und rectalen Prolaps wird dargestellt.

8. It is normal for a female bird to have a mild, temporary prolapse immediately after laying an egg, but otherwise a Cloacal prolapse is abnormal.

9. Arrhythmic Mitral Valve Prolapse: JACC Review Topic of the Week

10. This condition is known as Anterior wall prolapse, cystocele or dropped bladder.

11. ‘Postpartum uterine Atony and hemorrhage can be effectively prevented with the use of oxytocin, but the optimal dosage and route of administration have not been established.’ ‘This in turn leads to gastric Atony, floating kidney, hernia, rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse and other forms of prolapse.’

12. Arytenoid prolapse is shifting of Arytenoid cartilage from its normal position

13. Prolapse, or eversion, of the Cloaca can also involve any of these systems

14. Natural disasters (eg, abruptio placentae, cord prolapse, fetal hypoxemia) occur in rural maternity practice.

15. A prolapse of the Cloaca in your bird is very serious and needs immediate attention

16. In most patients haemorrhoids had decreased, mucosal prolapse was gone, the anal canal was reconstructed.

Bei den meisten Patienten waren Hämorrhoiden zurückgebildet, ein Mukosaprolaps nicht mehr nachweisbar, der Analkanal war rekonstruiert.

17. Complete rectal prolapse is a full-thickness intussusception of the rectum through the anal canal.

Der Rektumprolaps ist eine Vollwandintussuszeption des Rektums durch den Analkanal.

18. The indication for our 483 plastic surgical procedures in ano-rectal disease were mucosal prolapse, 3rd degree hemorrhoids combined with mucosal prolapse, ectropium, anal stenosis, large perianal tumors, high transsphincteric anal fistulae and small rectovaginal fistulae.

Die Indikation zu unseren 483 plastischen Korrektur-Operationen im Anorectalbereich bildete der isolierte Mucosaprolaps, Hamorrhoiden III.

19. Upon attempted closure of the left eye, lagophthalmos and prolapse of the edematous Caruncle were noticeable (Figure 3)

20. In children, the most common form of intussusception is prolapse of the terminal ileum into the colon.

21. Most kids who learn they have mitral valve prolapse find out about it during a regular check up .

22. Cardiomyopathy associated with Bicuspidal aortic valve and mitral valve prolapse using the imaging method of echocar-diography and cardiac MRI

23. The technical performance of anal prolapse operations with the circular stapler seems to be a simple, quick and elegant method.

Die technische Durchführung der Analprolapsoperation mit dem Circular Stapler erscheint einfach, schnell, elegant.

24. Introduction: Stapled haemorrhoidectomy according to Longo for treating reducible anal and mucosal prolapse appears to be very simple technically.

Einleitung: Die Staplerhämorrhoidenoperation nach Longo (PPH) beim reponiblen Anal- und Mucosaprolaps erscheint technisch einfach.

25. In the past , kids with mitral valve prolapse and leaky valves were told to take a big dose of antibiotics .

26. In conclusion, we postulate that the anal cancer can be considered as a consequence of the long-standing rectal prolapse.

In dem vorliegenden Fall handelte es sich um ein Analrandkarzinom als Folge eines lange bestehenden Rezidivrektumprolapses.

27. Girls should detest sex too soon The ulcers seen on the irritated Cervices with prolapse are more often of the decubitus type

28. Etiology, course and treatment of some anorectal diseases (rectal prolapse, haemorrhoids, anal fissure, megacolon congenitum) can be deduced from the normal and pathological anatomy.

Ursache, Verlauf und Therapie einiger anorectaler Erkrankungen (Rectumprolaps, Hämorrhoiden, Analfissur, Megacolon congenitum) können aus der normalen und pathologischen Anatomie abgeleitet werden.

29. The experience of myelography , CT plain film scanning and CTM in the diagnosis of 52 patients with prolapse of lumbar intervertebral dis were retrospectively analyzed and compared.

30. Some gastroptosis patients Amalgamative still if kidney liver lienal transverse colon is flagging have other internal organs of the body say for completely splanchnic prolapse: 10

31. In a prospective study, advantages and disadvantages of the stapler hemorrhoidectomy (SH) are compared with the Milligan-Morgan (MM) procedure on 300 patients (150:150) with reducible anal prolapse.

Vor- und Nachteile der Stapler-Hämorrhoidektomie (SH) werden mit der OP nach Milligan-Morgan (MM) an 300 Patienten (150:150) verglichen.

32. In conclusion, we were able to demonstrate a rise of the internal and external anal sphincter pressure in patients with rectal prolapse after rectopexy with an improvement in continence.

Zusammenfassend konnten wir einen Anstieg des Ruhe- und Willkürdrucks im Analsphinkter mit Verbesserung der Kontinenz bei Patienten mit Rektumprolaps nach Rektopexie beobachten.

33. Laparoscopic approach to pelvic organ prolapse - the way to go or a blind alley? Malanowska E(1), Soltes M(2), Starczewski A(1), Petri E(3), Jozwik M(4)

34. ‘I have my patients stand while I perform a Bimanual examination and try to feel for Bartholin's gland enlargement, prolapse, cystocele, rectocele and tightening of the vaginal muscles on digital insertion.’

35. Some explanations for a T-wave Abnormality on an ECG include myocardial infarction or ischemia, pericarditis, myocarditis, myocardial contusion due to trauma, and mitral valve prolapse, according to ECG Learning Center

36. The following are 10 points to remember from this review on Arrhythmic mitral valve prolapse (MVP): MVP is a relatively common cardiac valvular disorder, affecting about 1-3% of the population

37. In addition to stapled hemorrhoidopexy, reduction of the arterial flow into the corpus cavernosum of the rectum and reduction of mucosal prolapse and parts of the hemorrhoids to the regular site within the anal canal can also be used.

Hierzu zählt die Reduzierung des arteriellen Flow in das Corpus cavernosum recti innerhalb des Analkanals.

38. The exact classification of hemorrhoids according to the degree of prolapse as well as the correct evaluation of accompanying anal diseases are very important in order to choose the appropriate conservative or surgical treatment with the goal of long-term avoidance of recurrence.

Nur so ist eine differenzierte, dem Krankheitsstadium angemessene konservative oder operative Therapie mit dem Ziel einer langzeitigen Rezidivprophylaxe möglich.

39. An anal prolapse of 1 or 2 segments should be treated as outpatient surgery in an “open” technique (Milligan-Morgan), more than 2 segments in a “closed” (Ferguson) or better in a “semi-closed submucosal” technique (Parks) in the hospital.

Dies gilt — unter Berücksichtigung der für ambulante Operationen gültigen Kriterien — auch für die „offene“ (Milligan-Morgan) oder „geschlossene“ (Ferguson) Resektion von 1 oder maximal 2 Segmenten eines Analprolaps.

40. Battledore insertion of cord was also found to have increased association with placenta previa, abruptio placentae, preeclampsia, preterm delivery, cord prolapse, foetal distress, increased incidence of emergency LSCS, low Apgar score, NICU admission, low birth weight and congenital malformations (8, …

41. 20 to 40% of Amblosis cases, and the risk thereof doubles in cases of multiple fetation and abnormal alvus development9 and is the cause of 20-50% of all premature delivery cases, mother’s and perinatal mortality, fetus’s lung hypoplasia, prolapse of funis, deformity of fetus, and postpartum endometritis.12

42. The stapled hemorrhoidectomy for treating reducible anal prolapse seems to be a simple technique and offers some advantages such as less pain, shorter hospital stay and earlier recovery to the patient. On the other hand the rate of complications of 10 % is rather high and the procedure rather expensive.

Die Durchführung der Stapler-Hämorrhoidektomie nachKoblandin (2) undLongo (4) beim reponiblen Hämorrhoidalprolaps erscheint technisch einfach und bietet auf Grund geringerer Schmerzhaftigkeit und kürzerer Behandlungsdauer Vorteile für den Patienten, die Komplikationsrate ist allerdings mit etwa 10 % relativ hoch.

43. A investigation has Catalogued more than 50 instances in which Goop claims, either expressly or implicitly, that its products – or third-party products that it promotes – can treat, cure, prevent, alleviate the symptoms of, or reduce the risk of developing a number of ailments, ranging from depression, anxiety, and insomnia, to infertility, uterine prolapse, and arthritis, just to

44. In 144 pull-through-operations performed for anorectal-atresia, following complications were observed: pneumonia 11%, sepsis 8.3%, peritonitis 5%, bowel obstruction 5%, osteomyelitis 1%, retraction of the pulled-through colon 4%, anal stenosis 16%, secondary megacolon 9%, fistula relapse 8%, mucosal prolapse 4%. Recto-urethral, recto-vesical- and recto-vaginal fistula relapses are managed by interposition of the gracile muscle.

Bei 144 Durchzugsoperationen wegen Anal- und Rectumatresie wurden folgende Komplikationen beobachtet: Pneumonie 11%, Sepsis 8,3%, Peritonitis 5%, Ileus 5%, Osteomyelitis 1%, Retraktionen des durchgezogenen Colons 4%, Analstenose 16%, sekundäres Megacolon 9%, Fistelrezidive 8%, Schleimhautprolapse 4%, recto-urethrale, recto-vesicale und rectum-vaginale Rezidivfisteln werden durch Interposition des Musculus gracilis korrigiert.

45. Early diagnosed functional disorders of the ano-rectum or pelvic floor can be treated in the office by conservative treatment or out-patient surgery. The normal anatomy of the anal canal must be restituted by reducing enlarged haemorrhoids, removing a prolapse of the anterior rectal wall with rubber-band ligation, excision of chronic fissures and prolapsing tumours. The basic therapy then consists of normalisation of bowel habits and stool consistency.

Rechtzeitig diagnostiziert, lassen sich funktionelle Störungen im Enddarm- oder Beckenbodenbereich durchaus auch ambulant/konservativ behandeln: Nach Herstellen von möglichst physiologischen Verhältnissen im Ano-Rektum durch Reduzierung eines vergrößerten Haemorrhoidalplexus, Raffung eines Vorderwandmukosaprolapses durch Gummiligaturen, Excision chronischer Analfissuren, Entfernung prolabierender Tumoren sowie Beseitigung einer Überlaufenkopresis besteht die Basistherapie in einer Normalisierung von Stuhlgangsgewohnheiten und -konsistenz.