prolonging in Germany

prolonging [prəlɔŋiŋ] verlängernd

Sentence patterns related to "prolonging"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prolonging" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prolonging", or refer to the context using the word "prolonging" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Lowering wages or prolonging working hours has absolute limits.

Negri und Hardt gehen in ihrem Buch "Empire" sogar so weit, kapitalistische Expansion und Biomacht in eins zu setzen.

2. 19 There's no point in prolonging the agony any longer.

3. And "So let's quit prolonging the agony and inevitable.

Also hören wir auf, die Qualen und das Unvermeidliche zu verlängern.

4. This could be caused by procrastination by prolonging the planning activity.

5. There's no point in prolonging the agony any longer.

6. 5 At that point Franco was desirous of prolonging the war.

7. An attitude Accentuates a condition or feeling by prolonging its pantomimic suggestion

8. Antonyms for Abridging include lengthening, extending, enlarging, expanding, prolonging, protracting, amplifying, elongating, adding and augmenting

9. It also adhered better to the surface of the plants, further enhancing and prolonging its insecticidal effect.

10. For 60 years, the Ring lay quiet in Bilbo's keeping... prolonging his life, delaying old age.

11. Cold inhibits or prevents plant growth and slows down chemical processes in soils, prolonging the period of maturation.

12. Was he relishing this moment, deliberately prolonging it in anticipation out of bile at the cadet's blasphemy?

13. The 50-second commercial highlights the role of the banks in the destruction of the rainforest by prolonging the debt crisis.

14. In the meantime, the world spends billions on prolonging life and reducing the risk of illness and disability.

15. Objective: To evaluate the functions, indication, complication and safety of iliac bone's prolonging operation in the case of nanomelia correction.

16. The cultural impact of both the film and the soundtrack was seismic throughout the world, prolonging the disco scene's mainstream appeal.

17. 2 In Fig. 10 deceleration can be initiated by prolonging the excitation time of phases A-B- for approximately two step intervals.

18. The life prolonging and positive effect of moderate sporting activity is not up for discussion, but competitive sports may have negative effects.

Die lebensverlängernde und positive Wirkung des moderaten Sports steht nicht zur Diskussion, der Wettkampfsport kann jedoch negative Auswirkungen haben.

19. Simply put : central banks are being cornered into prolonging monetary stimulus as governments drag their feet and adjustment is delayed . "

20. This development notwithstanding, wage moderation remains essential for, inter alia , prolonging the economic recovery, anchoring inflation expectations and facilitating competitiveness adjustment.

Trotz dieser Entwicklung bleibt Lohnzurückhaltung von größter Wichtigkeit, unter anderem um den wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung zu verlängern, Inflationserwartungen zu verankern und um Anpassungen der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu erleichtern.

21. Spiritual Communions are not substitutes to receiving the Real Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ but a prolonging of its fruits

22. This protracted period of free exchange by commercial banks sends an ambiguous signal to the public and risks prolonging the cash changeover.

Dieser lange Zeitraum des kostenlosen Umtausches bei Geschäftsbanken setzt ein mehrdeutiges Signal für die Öffentlichkeit und birgt das Risiko, die Bargeldumstellung zu verlängern.

23. Affidavits and deeds may then have to be re-prepared and re-filed in order to correct the record, prolonging the process and increasing expense

24. The secretary recruits vaudeville acts, in opposition to a gloomy group of businessmen called the “Bluenoses” who have a financial interest in prolonging the Depression

25. 14 Conclusion Both tetrose and mannan had the effects in blocking melanoma experimental liver metastasis, inhibiting transmigration of the liver, and prolonging the survival time of the mouse.

26. Autophagy is a natural regeneration process that occurs at a cellular level in the body, reducing the likelihood of contracting some diseases as well as prolonging lifespan.

27. “By failing to properly investigate and bring to justice those responsible for the enforced disappearance of the 11 young people from Acari, the authorities are cruelly prolonging their relatives’ decades-long suffering.

28. Alchemy definition is - a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life

29. Combatting Corruption Capably: An assessment framework for parliament’s interaction with anti-corruption agencies November 09th, 2020 When the UK government published its Anti-Corruption Strategy 2017 to 2022, global corruption was recognised as having far-reaching effects, including prolonging extreme poverty, reducing economic activity

30. Agamemnon was the king of Mycenae and leader of the Greek army in the Trojan War of Homer's Illiad.He is presented as a great warrior but selfish ruler, famously upsetting his invincible champion Achilles and so prolonging the war and suffering of his men

31. This enabled lines to be more deeply bitten, prolonging the life of the plate in printing, and also greatly reducing the risk of "foul-biting", where acid gets through the ground to the plate where it is not intended to, producing spots or blotches on the image.

32. The present invention relates to a process for the preparation of highly pure 3-(1-cyclopropenyl) propionic acid salt, particulary 3-(1-cyclopropenyl) propionic acid sodium salt, an ethylene receptor antagonist that may be used for inhibiting the abscission and ripening of plants and for prolonging the life of picked fruit, vegetable and cut flowers.

33. The Cretan Diet is famous, - and some say miraculous! It is the original Mediterranean diet Culture, history and geography have helped create a combination of foods and lifestyle which provides a unique diet that is highly nutritious, prolonging life and helping to prevent many of the modern diseases that shorten the lives of millions of people every year in the West.