prefabricated in Germany

prefabricated [priːfæbrikeitidhaus] vorfabriziert, vorgefertigt

Sentence patterns related to "prefabricated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prefabricated" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prefabricated", or refer to the context using the word "prefabricated" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Prefabricated buildings, components and methods of erection of prefabricated buildings

2. Prefabricated buildings (ablution units)

3. Carefully designed Aseismic prefabricated housing

4. This is a prefabricated project.

5. 980 United Nations-owned prefabricated (3 modular and 6 modular), 233 ablutions and 130 prefabricated soft-wall units

6. The office accommodation consists of prefabricated units of different sizes, and three prefabricated ablution units have been erected.

7. Prefabricated windows, skylights and light domes

Fertigfenster, Oberlichter und Lichtkuppeln

8. Prefabricated h-beam having reinforced flange strength

9. Prefabricated reinforced components of autoclaved aerated concrete

Vorgefertigte bewehrte Bauteile aus dampfgehärtetem Porenbeton

10. The prefabricated parts can also be made.

11. Prefabricated chimnees and roofing conducts, not of metal

Vorgefertigte Schornsteine und Dachdurchführungen, nicht aus Metall

12. Prefabricated wood-based load-bearing stressed skin panels

Vorgefertigte tragende Tafeln aus Holz und Holzwerkstoffen

13. Prefabricated wood-based load-bearing stressed skin panels:

Vorgefertigte tragende Tafeln aus Holz und Holzwerkstoffen:

14. — assembly and erection of prefabricated constructions on the site.

— Herstellung von Fertigteilbauten aus Beton auf der Baustelle

15. Prefabricated houses were quickly put up after the war.

16. assembly and erection of prefabricated constructions on the site.

Herstellung von Fertigteilbauten aus Beton auf der Baustelle.

17. OUR PREFABRICATED Archway KITS Browse our several Archway styles below

18. Prefabricated trench type cable trough and construction method thereof

19. After comparison, prefabricated piles of reinforced concrete are chosen.

20. The future of the prefabricated drains are also presented.

21. Prefabricated heat-insulation panel with two hot water flow paths

22. Prefabricated hybrid girder capable of applying prestress to girder using gap difference between contact surfaces of connective parts of blocks, method for applying prestress to prefabricated hybrid girder, continuation method for prefabricated hybrid girder, and manufacturing and assembling method thereof

23. The scheme housed children in large numbers in prefabricated huts.

24. Prefabricated and transportable silos of steel for agricultural and horticultural products

Vorgefertigte und transportable Silos aus Stahl für Ackerbau- und Gärtnereierzeugnisse

25. Prefabricated parts (not of metal), for erecting the aforesaid goods

Vorgefertigte Teile (nicht aus Metall), zur Errichtung der vorstehend genannten Waren

26. Prefabricated Bunkhouses and Field Crew Housing Portable On-Site Housing Options

27. Prefabricated prestressed squared piles are very often used in wharf engineering.

28. Minor engineering responsibilities when the United Nations provides accommodation2 (i.e. prefabricated hard-wall buildings like Corimec, Agmin and Shellbox, conventional hard-wall buildings and prefabricated soft-wall buildings)

29. Repair and maintenance of 980 United Nations-owned prefabricated accommodation buildings, 243 ablution units and 130 prefabricated soft-wall units in use at all UNMIL locations in Liberia

30. Tania : arent some donkeys in the forest, you prefabricated it up.

31. This scheme housed children in large numbers in temporary prefabricated huts.

32. Towards the end, he had this prefabricated valve put in it.

33. The little prefabricated hut was lifted away by a huge crane.

34. A connecting system for prefabricated panels for forming walls and roofs of buildings which includes a non-structural concrete corner piece for attachment between abutted prefabricated wall panels.

35. Prefabricated Buildings are typically made from a mix of wood and steel materials

36. Prefabricated composite panel for the fitting of air-conditioning plants of buildings rooms

37. Suspended prefabricated flooring panel unit and flooring panel assembly method using the same

38. Building materials and prefabricated elements, strutting and propping materials, shuttering, not of metal

Baumaterialien und Fertigbauelemente, Versteifungs- und Stützmaterialien, Verschalung, nicht aus Metall



40. Device for protecting the ends of reinforcements for prefabricated concrete elements with prestressed reinforcements

41. Building construction process by means of prefabricated modular components and accessories for its execution

42. Prefabricated houses in all stages of construction, mainly consisting of non-metallic building materials

Fertighäuser aller Ausbaustufen, im wesentlichen bestehend aus nichtmetallischen Baumaterialien

43. A vertical prefabricated composite drain (10) for improving conventional consolidated acceleration of saturated soils.

44. Prefabricated carports, summer houses, tool sheds and storage cupboards for waste bins, of metal

Vorgefertigte Carports, Gartenhäuser, Geräteschuppen und Mülltonnenboxenaus Metall

45. A hall with prefabricated reinforced concrete supporting structure with flat roof made with soft cover.

Halle mit vorgefertigter Stahlbetontragkonstruktion und Weichdeckung-Flachdach.

46. In addition, they promote fast-track, prefabricated building techniques that further restrict the architect's freedom.

47. Several companies are now offering prefabricated office buildings which can be installed in the garden.

48. Airframe is a fully integrated, modular, prefabricated solution designed specifically for operating room ceilings

49. To develop structural adhesives which act as binders and reinforcement for hybrid prefabricated systems.

Entwicklung von Klebstoffen für Bauteile, die als Bindemittel und Verstärkung hybrider Fertigbausysteme dienen.

50. Prefabricated gypsum plasterboard panels with a cellular paperboard core — Definitions, requirements and test methods

Gipsplatten-Wandbaufertigtafeln mit einem Kartonwabenkern — Begriffe, Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren