politic in Germany

politic [pɔlitikl] diplomatisch

Sentence patterns related to "politic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "politic" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "politic", or refer to the context using the word "politic" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Is that politic enough?

2. They politic with one another.

3. It seemed politic to say nothing.

4. I ain't dealing with another fucking politic.

5. David was more politic and successful than his predecessor.

6. His successor David was more successful and more politic.

7. It would not be politic to ignore the reporters.

8. Many towns often found it politic to change their allegiance.

9. When the fight began, he thought it politic to leave.

10. Gu Ge redeploy its sale is politic, not fathomless also.

11. National Conceptualisations of the Body Politic Cultural Experience and Political Imagination

12. 25 synonyms for Circumspect: cautious, politic, guarded, careful, wary, discriminating, discreet

13. The Accusal is "harm the security of body politic"

14. It would not be politic for you to be seen there.

15. Their grandsons had found it more politic to Abjure their ancient faith

16. Freedom of speech is necessary for the health of the body politic.

17. 21 synonyms for Advisable: wise, seemly, sound, suggested, fitting, fit, politic, recommended

18. This new policy has touched a nerve in the American body politic.

19. Judge Lyttle, politic in the ways a judge can be, treats reporters well.

20. Political parties have often been attacked as bad things in the body politic.

21. 10 Freedom of speech is necessary for the health of the body politic.

22. In this most political of cities, what a woman wears must be politic.

23. Had Stiles been more politic, he would have used the information in court.

24. Bill and Hillary Clinton are the penicillin-resistant syphilis of the American body politic.

Bill und Hillary Clinton sind die penizillinresistente Syphilis des amerikanischen Gemeinwesens.

25. But the virtue of xenophobia is never really extinguished in any multiethnic body politic.

26. The therapy can either be a wait and see politic, medical treatment or adrenalectomy.

Dies kann vom Einschlagen einer abwartenden Haltung über medikamentöse Therapie bis zur Adrenalektomie reichen.

27. Why did you have to rake up his politic past? He's a reformed character now.

28. Synonyms for Advisable include seemly, sensible, appropriate, apt, desirable, expedient, fit, fitting, judicious and politic

29. It is also unjust and deeply Corrupting of the body politic—perhaps especially of democracies.

30. Synonyms for Ambassadorial include diplomatic, consular, political, foreign-office, foreign-policy, foreign-politic, official and embassy

31. I felt it politic to keep my peace and play the part of the attentive listener.

32. It represented an extreme example of a theocracy - of a body politic organised essentially around religious principles.

33. A citizen accepts personal responsibility for the safety... of the body politic, defending it with his life

34. Sistemul politic care operează în Canada este derivat din modelul Westminster folosit în Marea Britanie.

35. The words expedient and politic are common synonyms of Advisable. While all three words mean "dictated by practical or prudent motives," Advisable applies to what is practical, prudent, or advantageous but lacks the derogatory implication of expedient and politic

36. Becauseof the restriction of politic, economy and culture in that special history, the supplying of ethics has exiguity.

37. It comprises the entire body politic, with all its citizens and all their interest groups and social movements.

38. American is a young country and it's history of capitalism development differs from the others' , so is it's politic culture.

39. The next chapter will extend further the explanation of how the structures interact to produce different forms of the body politic.

40. The body politic may have undergone radical surgery and it may have aged considerably, but it has continued to endure.

41. In the institutionalized education, educative power is exercised mainly by the body politic, schools and teachers, which embodies the alienability of educative power.

42. Oh, by what plots, by what forswearings, Betrayings, oppressions, imprisonments , tortures, poisonings, and under what reasons of state and politic subtilty, have these forenamed kings

43. It was a fascinating work from Chabrol: the man who Anatomised the middle-class French body politic with a sadistic twist of the scalpel

44. Advisable adjective wise, seemly, sound, suggested, fitting, fit, politic, recommended, appropriate, suitable, sensible, proper, profitable, desirable, apt, prudent, expedient, judicious It is Advisable to book your hotel in advance.

45. Renewing of the system of teachers title evaluation is an important act by our country to improve the social position and politic and financial treatment of the majority of clerisy.

46. 1614, Walter Raleigh, Historie of the World Oh, by what plots, by what forswearings, Betrayings, oppressions, imprisonments, tortures, poisonings, and under what reasons of state and politic subtilty, have these forenamed kings […] …

47. As nature gives each man absolute power over all his members, the social compact gives the body politic absolute power over all its members also; and it is this power which, under the direction of the general will, bears, as I have said, the name of Sovereignty.

48. Oh, by what plots, by what forswearings, Betrayings, oppressions, imprisonments, tortures, poisonings, and under what reasons of state and politic subtilty, have these forenamed kings [] pulled the vengeance of God upon themselves [] The oppression of the poor by the aristocracy was one cause of the French Revolution.; St

49. Arias offers hard-earned comfort well worth the effort.” —Barbara Egel, Booklist “In Arias, Olds puts her honest, clear verse to work mostly outside of the body, and looks instead at the body politic, at the social body we have created or destroyed together.” —Anjanette Delgaro, New York Journal of Books

50. VANZANDT First Session «4th Congress Politic# -After weeks of Bipartile* atmosphere political tempers flared, which now makes it possible to report that the Democratic sf&tegy in this congress is to place th* Democratic party stamp on every piece of Eisenhower legislation either by amending the bills or! by pushing Democ ratic