pollution in Germany

pollution [pəluːʃən] Verunreinigung (Halbleiter)

Sentence patterns related to "pollution"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pollution" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pollution", or refer to the context using the word "pollution" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > Yukon Pollution / Acid Rain

2. Subject: Aircraft pollution

Betrifft: Verschmutzung durch Flugzeuge

3. It's plastic pollution.

4. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > Nunavut Pollution / Acid Rain

5. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > Nova Scotia Pollution / Acid Rain

6. If no pollution control expenditures are made(http://Sentencedict.com), ambient air pollution concentration will be high and pollution damage costs high.

7. Environmental Protection > Pollution / Acid Rain > British Columbia Pollution / Acid Rain

8. The serious non-point source pollution and cross-pollution in plain tidal river networks presented problems of environmental pollution and environmental safety.

9. The pollution has abated.

10. Index A Air Pollution

11. These include establishment of criteria for sustainable fisheries, the pollution from oil and hazardous substances, airborne pollution, dumping, vessel pollution and prevention of accidents.

Dazu gehören die Erstellung von Kriterien für eine nachhaltige Fischerei, die Verschmutzung durch Öl und gefährliche Stoffe, die Verschmutzung aus der Luft, die Einbringung von Abfällen, die Verschmutzung durch Schiffe sowie die Verhütung von Unfällen.

12. Noise pollution from aircraft.

Lärmbelästigung durch Flugzeuge.

13. The Acme Pollution Inspection

ACME- Umweltinspektion

14. Pollution can aggravate asthma.

15. Global Effects Unlike other types of pollution , air pollution impinges on the climate too .

16. Major Air Pollution Disasters Our present knowledge of the effects of air pollution is mainly derived from the study of acute air pollution episodes .

17. The Accumulative effects of pollution

18. • Air Pollution Regulations (C.R.C., c.

19. - atmospheric pollution and acid rain;

- Luftverschmutzung und saurer Regen;

20. Air pollution and acid rain.

Von Luftverschmutzung und von saurem Regen.

21. the accumulative effects of pollution.

22. First of all, all noise pollution, including pollution generated by aircraft, must be tackled at source.

Zunächst muß an der Quelle jedweder Lärmbelästigung, also auch der von Flugzeugen ausgehenden, angesetzt werden.

23. Pollution can harm marine life.

24. Moreover recital 9 makes it clear that pollution at sea includes pollution from off-shore installations,

Ferner wird in Erwägungsgrund 9 klar herausgestellt, daß die Verschmutzung auf See die Verschmutzung durch Off-shore-Anlagen einschließt.

25. The analysed theand harmfulness of motor vehicle exhaust pollution from airborne pollution condition and proposed countermeasure.

26. Luminous Pollution Activity Instructions Luminous pollution is 95% responsible for the disappearance of stars in the sky.

27. Thailand's Pollution Control Department (PCD) and other agencies have developed standards in order to reduce air pollution.

28. Prevention and Control of Water Pollution The principal contributors of water pollution are industrial effluents and sewage .

29. tax on noise pollution from aircraft


30. The pollution worsens with each year.

31. Subject: Pollution of the river Struma

Betrifft: Verschmutzung des Flusses Strymon

32. Barberry tolerates pollution, shade and drought

33. Subject: Air pollution in passenger aircraft

Betrifft: Sauberkeit der Luft in Passagierflugzeugen

34. The summers were hazy with pollution.

35. I suspect the yellowish colour is due to the pollution in the air-our own man-made pollution.

36. Reducing Noise Pollution to Acceptable Levels

Erreichen akzeptabler Werte für die Lärmbelastung

37. Pollution is also a health hazard.

38. Air Pollution Meteorology And Urban Climate.

39. Seabirds ingest Bellyfuls of plastic pollution

40. It is threatened by water pollution.

41. Even after damage by pollution, once the source of pollution is gone, a complex ecosystem soon develops again.

42. There was pollution, both literal and moral.

Das Land war sowohl buchstäblich als auch moralisch verunreinigt.

43. Sweat pollution from skiers wearing breathable fabrics.

44. Jaq smelled the whiff of genetic pollution.

45. Air pollution may aggravate a child's asthma.

46. Several multinationals were fined for environmental pollution.

47. There's no quick fix for stopping pollution.

48. Pollution befouls the air and poisons water .

49. The teacher set an assignment on pollution.

50. Pollution was carried inland by the wind.