polluter in Germany

polluter [pəluːtər] Umweltverschmutze

Sentence patterns related to "polluter"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "polluter" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "polluter", or refer to the context using the word "polluter" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. AFFIRMS its commitment to the 'polluter pays' principle;

BEKRÄFTIGT, daß er am Verursacherprinzip festhält;

2. Recolored polluter Antiegoistically dishonourary doable topsailite Lewisberry gnatty

3. 3 Certain Industry be major polluter of the environment.

4. 6 But the US, the biggest polluter, refuses to do so.

5. The changes are intended to shift the burden from tax payer to polluter.

6. 14 America, the world's biggest consumer, is the world's biggest polluter.

7. The polluter should pay for the cost of the clean-up.

8. 1 The polluter should pay for the cost of the clean-up.

9. 10 Both approaches can be justified on the principle that the polluter should pay.

10. Wasn't modesty Admiringly does ugh his effortless you injure polluter how relish awesome

11. 9 It is important to note that the polluter is responsible for costs whether or not the spill is accidental; the polluter pays principle does not infer liability but rather responsibility.

12. 5 A polluter then would pay for all the resources which he consumes.

13. 4 The polluter shall make compensation according to law if losses have caused.

14. 2 This stipulates that a polluter should pay for the repair of environmental damage.

15. Likewise, polluter-pays levies on air and sea transport could generate revenues to combat climate change.

16. 9 The changes are intended to shift the burden from tax payer to polluter.

17. * As regards the polluter-pays principle, the framework points to the taxation regime on vehicles and fuel.

18. 11 All others should be brought up to modern standards using the principle that the polluter pays.

19. If they were absolved entirely from their responsibility, the ‘polluter pays’ principle would be weakened.

Wenn sie insgesamt von ihrer Verantwortung entlastet würden, wäre das Verursacherprinzip geschwächt.

20. He typically determines the nature and level of the demands to be made of a polluter.

21. 15 The citizens, all of whom love nature and our planet, demonstrated outside the city's worst polluter.

22. 12 If the source can not be discovered,[www.Sentencedict.com] how can the polluter be forced to pay?

23. Once again, (2) the Court is asked to clarify the consequences of the polluter-pays principle.

Erneut(2) soll der Gerichtshof die Konsequenzen des Verursacherprinzips präzisieren.

24. 8 He typically determines the nature and level of the demands to be made of a polluter.

25. The system costs are allocated to the specific groups of materials on the basis of the polluter-pays principle.

Die Systemkosten sind möglichst verursachungsgerecht den einzelnen Materialfraktionen zuzurechnen.

26. Auctioning is the most transparent method for allocating emission allowances and puts into practice the principle that the polluter should pay

27. 7 Actually, once the fund has footed a bill, it has in the past successfully pursued a polluter through the courts.

28. Therefore, a polluter that affects water quality at a number of points has to hold a portfolio of licenses covering all relevant monitoring-points.

29. Circumspection might be motivated by acceptance of the “polluter pays” norm, or by the expectation of tort liability under that principle (Sachs 2008)

30. America’s financial industry polluted the world with toxic mortgages, and, in line with the well established “polluter pays” principle, taxes should be imposed on it.

Amerikas Finanzbranche hat die Welt mit giftigen Hypotheken verseucht, und sollte entsprechend dem bewährten Verursacherprinzip angemessene Steuern auferlegt bekommen.

31. The Committee of the Regions endorses the "Polluter Pays" principle with the costs of non-accidental sources of pollution being recovered from the owners of the vessel.

Der Ausschuss der Regionen befürwortet die Anwendung des Verursacherprinzips, dergestalt dass die durch die nicht mit einem Zwischenfall zusammenhängenden Verschmutzungsquellen entstehenden Kosten von den Eigentümern des betreffenden Schiffes zurückgefordert werden.

32. 13 The importance of allocation allowable emission fairly and reasonably for each polluter in total emission control planning is analyzed, The defects in the existing allocation methods are pointed out.

33. 16 The sea, the last part of the world where man acts as a hunter-gatherer—as well as bather, miner, dumper and general polluter—needs management, just as the land does.

34. 2.2.5 The Directive requires Member States to ensure, as of 2010, that water-pricing policies put pressure on users (households, farming, industry, etc.) by applying proportionate principles regarding the volume of abstraction, polluter, payer, and cost recovery.

2.2.5 In dieser Rahmenrichtlinie werden die Mitgliedstaaten außerdem dazu verpflichtet, ab 2010 unter Stützung auf die anteilig orientierten Grundsätze des Wasserentnahmevolumens, des Verursacherprinzips und der Kostendeckung eine geeignete Wassergebührenpolitik für die verschiedenen Benutzer (Haushalte, Industrie, Landwirtschaft usw.) zu konzipieren.

35. Whereas under the polluter pays principle it is necessary, inter alia, to take into account any damage to the environment produced by a landfill; whereas, as a result, encouragement should be given to the fixing of rates for waste disposal in a landfill in such a way as to cover all the costs involved in the setting up and operation of the facility and the financial security or its equivalent which the site operator must provide and, where appropriate, the cost of closing the site including the necessary aftercare, so as to ensure that these costs are not borne by the public purse;

Nach dem Verursacherprinzip sind unter anderem Umweltschäden zu berücksichtigen, die durch Deponien verursacht werden. Daher ist darauf hinzuwirken, daß die Preise für die Abfallentsorgung in Deponien so festgelegt werden, daß alle Kosten für die Einrichtung und den Betrieb der Deponie sowie für die finanzielle Sicherheitsleistung oder eine gleichwertige Leistung, die der Betreiber stellen muß, und gegebenenfalls die Kosten für Stillegung und Nachsorge gedeckt werden; damit soll vermieden werden, daß diese Kosten zu Lasten der Allgemeinheit gehen.