politicized in Germany

politicized [pəlitisaizd] politisierte

Sentence patterns related to "politicized"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "politicized" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "politicized", or refer to the context using the word "politicized" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The strike has now been politicized.

2. Abortion is a highly politicized issue.

3. The Olympic Games should not be politicized.

4. 2 The modern politicized Christians also privatize religion.

5. The color of our skin is so often politicized.

6. Slabby incommodiousness dertra Antidromal Stradivarius rebroach hairsprays shmoozes Flossy gunsmiths Leucobryaceae writh politicized

7. They presented a range of repertory but were acclaimed for familiar Yiddish plays with a politicized twist.

8. Businesses, public organizations and academic institutions were bombarded with highly politicized emails containing viruses from other European countries.

9. The politicized Sadducees were chiefly wealthy aristocrats, known for their adroit diplomacy ever since the Hasmonaean uprising in the mid-second century B.C.E.

Die politisch engagierten Sadduzäer waren vornehmlich wohlhabende Aristokraten und seit dem Aufstand der Hasmonäer Mitte des zweiten Jahrhunderts v. u. Z. für ihre geschickte Diplomatie bekannt.

10. The second finding is an ambivalent qualitative change: on the one hand relationships between generations become more anonymous and disembedded from primary social relationships; on the other hand they are politicized (they become a public issue) and remoralized.

Der zweite Befund ist ein ambivalenter qualitativer Wandel: Die Generationenbeziehungen werden einerseits anonymer und sozial entgrenzt, aus überschaubaren Zusammenhängen gelöst; andererseits werden sie politisiert – werden von einer familialen Privatsache zu einer öffentlichen Angelegenheit – und in der Folge remoralisiert.