police state in Germany

police state [pəliːssteit] Polizeistaat

Sentence patterns related to "police state"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "police state" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "police state", or refer to the context using the word "police state" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He disagreed that we have a police state.

2. Their land has been turned into a police state.

3. I have Guerreras following me like it's a police state.

4. Saddam Hussein's police state ruthlessly eliminates anyone who dares to dissent.

5. And only a police state can force everyone to obey them.

6. The fact that it's a genocidal and secretive police state only exacerbates matters.

7. Public help for the police in a police state is a rare luxury.

8. The debate in the West is about how to handle this increasingly belligerent police state. Mr.

9. Instead , we chose as we always do the police - state methods of tax raids and CBI inquiries .

10. It Ambiguates the lines between commerce and surveillance, between governing and exchanging, between democracy and the police state

11. The romantic vision of things to come is constantly juxtaposed with the seedy realities of the police state.

12. "Papa Doc" vows to extend power to the black masses but turns the country into a police state.

13. The discipline of a police state was what he had grown up with, what suited his talents best.

14. But if police safety is what we want, it seems that is most easily achieved in a police state.

15. The rule of the Shoguns was feasible, of course, only under strict discipline and what amounted to a police state.

16. Here, in the regressive, infantile wish for the perfect parent of early childhood lies the germ of the police state.

17. Our hypothesis is that current criticism of a police state or of new forms of economic alienation is taking place at far too general a level.

18. The Left Bastardizes Language: San Fran Criminals Must Now Be Called 'Justice-Involved Persons' A Pandemic Police State for You While Illegal Aliens Go Free DOJ Has Dropped Dozens of Cases Against

19. We are faced with a slow, gradual and inexorable shift away from the rule of law towards a police state, and this Americanisation of the European Union has to be stopped by every possible means.

Wir stehen vor einem langsamen, schrittweisen und unaufhaltsamen Übergang vom Rechtsstaat zu einem Polizeistaat, und diese Amerikanisierung der Europäischen Union muss mit allen erdenklichen Mitteln gestoppt werden.

20. “This persecution came up against the tenacious and victorious spiritual resistance of believers capable of matching the force of external pressures with the internal force of their faith in Jesus Christ, starting with the physical violence of the police State —to the point of heroism and martyrdom.”

21. With respect to the thousands of federal Arrogations and police-state encroachments about which Christians like to complain today, read Romans 13 in this light and see how it exposes and endangers rats and cockroaches in Washington, DC: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.

22. ‘Maybe Bohos ' desire to deflate their own power into an imagined police state is a kind of fetish game where the pleasure derives from breaking out of it, where art has easy power.’ ‘For one thing, it's being held at the Gladstone, that ragged, Romanesque marvel on Queen West, home to Bohos and assorted karaoke casualties.’