policing in Germany

policing [pəliːsiŋ] kontrollierend

Sentence patterns related to "policing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "policing" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "policing", or refer to the context using the word "policing" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Policing doesn't scale globally.

2. Policing, or at least traditional policing, or the type of policing we have adapted for LWE/terrorism/separatism, is not the first, best or preferred answer.

3. “As parenting declines, the need for policing increases.

4. 3 The policing here is not so bad.

5. What in Northern Ireland does routine policing consist of?

6. The community is demanding a less aggressive style of policing.

7. Counterinsurgency and Community Policing: More Alike than Meets the Eye

8. Trump signs executive order to reform policing, encourages ban on Chokeholds

9. So they Conflate that with the idea of policing Wall Street

10. 21 What in Northern Ireland does routine policing consist of?

11. Police Week also provides an opportunity to showcase policing as a career.

12. There is growing public disquiet about the cost of such policing.

13. In the last twenty years the industry has had no oversight or policing.

14. But how well does the show reflect the reality of policing suburbia?

15. The local council set up a committee of inquiry to look into policing arrangements.

16. He has to decide on tax policy, on currency, on border patrol, on policing.

17. So the policing layer around the problem becomes the real threat of the act.

18. Is the federal government abdicating its responsibility for federal policing under this agreement?

19. The teachers on duty are policing the school buildings during the lunch hour.

20. The US OPS trained Uruguayan police and intelligence in policing and interrogation techniques.

21. The Bradenton Police Department is dedicated to excellence in policing through professionalism, courage, and transparency

22. 2 days ago · Valley policing town hall Confronts disparities during traffic stops

23. The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (Cops Office) is the component of the U.S

24. Bringing new advances to policing lies at the core of the Police Foundation’s mission

25. The Bureaucratization of policing has important consequences for the functions and organization of police

26. Congresswoman Beatty helps pass George Floyd Justice in Policing Act in House of Representatives.

27. The question of policing our external borders has been left in abeyance for years.

Die Überwachung der Außengrenzen ist eine Angelegenheit, die sich schon jahrelang hinzieht.

28. It is likely to involve low-intensity operations, often akin to high-intensity policing.

29. The Cops Training Portal serves as a gateway to a variety of multimedia community policing resources

30. The official consent of the aliens policing authority shall be attached to the letter of invitation,

Dem Einladungsschreiben muss die offizielle Genehmigung der für Ausländer zuständigen Polizeibehörde beiliegen;

31. It was able -- but only it was able -- to organize health care, education, policing, justice.

32. She is also assigned to the policing mission of Senkaku Islands because of her cruising capability.

33. Policing this activity to ensure submission of the reports is an unenviable and thankless task.

34. Councillors were presented with a petition calling for more money to be spent on policing the area.

35. Use community policing, he told his colleagues, and track down the title owners of drug houses.

36. Many police departments attempt to impose ethical standards and effective policing through policy, proscription, and punishment.

37. The Bounders were responsible for policing the borders of the Shire and ensuring that outsiders behaved themselves

38. So often, both Counterinsurgency and urban policing involve countless routine humiliations of a mostly innocent populace

39. 2 days ago · Clashes in Europe spread as protesters question lockdowns and policing

40. The Royal Air Force takes over from the British Army in assuming policing duties in Iraq.

41. It is imperative that UNMISET address the shortfall in Timor-Leste's policing capabilities and UNPOL weaknesses

42. Seattle City Council Moves Forward on Alternatives to Policing, Allocates $10.4 Million for Community Safety Capacity Building

43. The nooks and crannies have been eliminated, and that is no bad thing for policing the store.

44. They will work alongside existing RCMP officers, other policing services, and community organizations to enhance service delivery. d.

45. Monmouthshire County assumed control of Monmouth for policing in 1881, and Monmouth eliminated its own police force.

46. At this point, Abolishing the old systems of policing is the only reform left that is pragmatic

47. The Countryside Police Department is a professional, values-based organization where community oriented policing is a way of life

48. 17 A second section then analyses the corresponding drift towards a more repressive style of policing in this country.

49. A second section then analyses the corresponding drift towards a more repressive style of policing in this country.

50. The basic functions related to IP traffic: admission control, classification, policing and scheduling are all performed on specific network nodes.

Die Grundfunktionen im Hinblick auf IP-Datenverkehr - Zugangskontrolle, Klassifikation, Umsetzung von Richtlinien (Policing) und Scheduling (Ressourcenzuteilung) - werden allesamt auf bestimmten Netzknoten ausgeführt.