long wave in Germany

long wave [lɔŋweiv] Langwelle

Sentence patterns related to "long wave"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "long wave" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "long wave", or refer to the context using the word "long wave" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The ionosphere would be affected and long- wave radio waves wouldn't work any more.

2. Group A compounds exhibit their most long-wave absorption and most intense fluorescence in acidic solution.

Solche der Gruppe A besitzen ihr langwelligstes Absorptionsmaximum und die stärkste Fluorescenz in acider Lösung.

3. The long wave transmitter was modernized and the main antenna tower received a new cage aerial.

Der Langwellensender wurde modernisiert und der Hauptantennenmast erhielt eine neue Reusenantenne.

4. Group B indicators exhibit their most long-wave absorption and most intense fluorescence in basic solution.

Jene der Gruppe B absorbieren am langwelligsten und fluorescieren am intensivsten in basischer Lösung.

5. Cashman's work culminated in the development of long wave infrared detectors used during the Second World War.

6. The dyes have a high bistability and have their long-wave absorption maximum in the near IR range.

Die Farbstoffe zeichnen sich durch eine hohe Bistabilität aus und haben ihr langwelligstes Absorptions-Maximum im nahen IR- Bereich.

7. Soot particles absorb sunlight very effectively but allow long-wave thermal radiation emitted by the earth to pass through unaffected.

8. 13 Soot particles absorb sunlight very effectively but allow long-wave thermal radiation emitted by the earth to pass through unaffected.

9. The transceiver unit (4) with a long-wave antenna (5) can be integrated, for example, into a remote-control car key (8).

Die Empfänger/Sender-Einheit (4) mit einer Langwellenantenne (5) kann dabei beispielsweise in einem Funk-Autoschlüssel (8) integriert sein.

10. 6 Based on athermal design technologies of optical passive mode, this paper describes an example of a cooled long wave infrared optical system.

11. In vitro, labeled dictamnine was shown to form covalent monoadducts with purified DNA from M. hiemalis in the presence of long-wave ultraviolet light.

12. A model is developed in which the long wave length ultraviolet absorption bands of alkali halide crystals are assigned to one electron excitations in the anions.

Es wird ein Modell entwickelt, nach dem die Banden des langwelligen Teils der Ultraviolett-Absorptionsspektren der Alkalihalogenid-Kristalle Einelektronenanregungen in den Anionen zuzuschreiben sind.

13. The Alexanderson alternator was extensively used for long-wave radio communications by shore stations, but was too large and heavy to be installed on most ships.

14. Some people treat a skin condition called psoriasis by applying Bergamot oil directly to the skin and then shining long-wave ultraviolet (UV) light on the affected area

15. It is demonstrated that, under certain conditions, field-intensity recordings within the long wave range permit of deriving large-space drift movements (Travelling ionospheric disturbances) of the reflecting layer.

Es wird gezeigt, dass sich unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen aus Feldstärkeregistrierungen im Langwellenbereich grossräumige Driftbewegungen der reflektierenden Schicht ableiten lassen.

16. Comber, breaker, roller - A long curving wave is a Comber, a wave that curls over and dissolves into foam is a breaker, and a long wave moving steadily shoreward is a roller

17. Comber, breaker, roller - A long curving wave is a Comber, a wave that curls over and dissolves into foam is a breaker, and a long wave moving steadily shoreward is a roller

18. Consideration of the interionic Coulomb interaction alone leads already to a more satisfactory explanation of the long wave length portion of the spectra than the qualitative predictions of the electron-transfer model ofOverhauser.

Bereits die Berücksichtigung der interionischen Coulomb-Wechselwirkungen führt so auf Resultate, die den langwelligen Teil der Spektren befriedigender erklären, als es die (qualitativen) Aussagen des Elektronen-Transfer-Modells vonOverhauser vermögen.

19. Teledyne DALSA's vanadium oxide (VOx) based microBolometer long-wave infrared detectors cover wavelengths from 8-14 µm and provide performance consistent with the best in the industry--they power our own Calibir IR cameras.

20. Australia runs three DGPS systems: one is mainly for marine navigation, broadcasting its signal on the long-wave band; another is used for land surveys and land navigation, and has corrections broadcast on the Commercial FM radio band.

21. Caliginous Caper is a nightmare endurance mission available on the Coaltown Event map. This mission has only one incredibly long wave, Wave 666, consisting of 911 enemies (not counting support-only enemies) and 9 Tanks with no checkpoints whatsoever.

22. A long-wave aerial for insertion into a small radio watch has at least two components (10, 20) contained in the casing (40) of the radio watch enclosing a gap (S) with increased magnetic field intensity (H) between them in which is fitted a coil (30) to bunch the aerial signal which forms a reception oscillator circuit (E) with a capacitor.

Eine Langwellenantenne zum Einbau in eine kleine Funkuhr weist mindestens zwei, im Gehäuse (40) der Funkuhr gehaltene Formteile (10, 20) auf, die einen Spalt (S) mit erhöhter magnetischer Feldstärke (H) zwischen sich einschließen, in dem eine Spule (30) zur Einkoppelung des Antennensignals angeordnet ist, die mit einem Kondensator einen Empfangsschwingkreis (E) bildet.