longitudinally in Germany

longitudinally [lɔndʒitjuːdinɑːliː] der Länge nach

Sentence patterns related to "longitudinally"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "longitudinally" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "longitudinally", or refer to the context using the word "longitudinally" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Longitudinally divided loudspeaker port with increased aerodynamic efficiency

2. Biflagellate–one flagellum lying longitudinally and the other transversely

3. It often has a streak of bright orange running longitudinally.

4. The reinforcing rods are generally laid both longitudinally and Circumferentially

5. longitudinally split almond kernel from which the two cotyledons are separated.

6. Anaschistic definition is - dividing longitudinally —used especially of normal meiotic chromosomes.

7. Omega fatty acids levels are longitudinally associated with Antenatal depressive symptoms

8. Wind turbine blade with plurality of longitudinally extending flow guiding device parts

9. The coil is positioned at the distal portion longitudinally adjacent the braid.

10. The phantoms were moved longitudinally on an oscillator with different amplitudes/frequencies.

Die Phantome waren longitudinal um einen Oszillator mit unterschiedlichen Amplituden/Frequenzen verschoben.

11. Once Axons begin to project longitudinally, they tend to fasciculate into bundles

12. longitudinally split almond kernel from which the two halves (cotyledons) are separated.

13. longitudinally split blanched almond kernel from which the two halves (cotyledons) are separated.

14. Wind turbine blade with longitudinally extending flow guiding device having a plate-shaped element

15. Their fibers show varicosities containing transmitter vesicles and mitochondria with longitudinally orientated cristae.

In perineuriumfreien Bezirken wird das gehäufte Auftreten von Nervenauftreibungen mit Vesikeln, die Transmittersubstanz enthalten, und Mitochondrion beobachtet.

16. Rolled longitudinally upon itself Familiarity information: Convolute used as an adjective is very rare

17. Half is a longitudinally split almond kernel of which the two halves (cotyledons) are separated.

18. A tampon has a pair of longitudinally extending side edges and an absorbent member.

19. The accumulator (29) includes an accumulator housing (36) with a longitudinally extending bore (40).

20. Half is a longitudinally split almond kernel of which the two halves (cotyledons) are separated

21. As an adverb Amidships is (nautical) in the middle of a ship, either longitudinally or laterally

22. A half is a longitudinally split almond kernel of which the two halves (cotyledons) are separated.

23. Drilling the formation is then resumed by longitudinally advancing and rotating the first and second drill rods.

24. The combed structure operates as a short stub for the electromagnetic wave traveling longitudinally in the cavity.

25. Key features of this disorder include unilateral or bilateral optic neuritis and longitudinally extensive myelitis (≥ three segments).

Indexereignisse sind Optikusneuritis (uni- oder bilateral) und Myelitis (≥3 Segmente).

26. A longitudinally extending elastic gathering member is attached to each side flap adjacent to its proximal edge.

27. In another embodiment, the tubular wall has a longitudinally length which is variable by an 'telescoping'-like action.

28. A resin matrix connects a plurality of longitudinally aligned fibers together adjacent an outer side of the reinforcement.

29. An example is shown of a horizontally oriented delta EEG focus and its corresponding longitudinally oriented magnetic field.

Ein Beispiel eines horizontal orientierten Delta-EEG-Fokus und des dazugehörigen längsorientierten Magnetfeldes wird angeführt.

30. Our longitudinally obtained measurements provide up-to-date standard values of age- and height-related head circumference percentiles.

Lebenshalbjahr an und fällt nachfolgend bis zum 6. Lebensjahr kontinuierlich ab.

31. Chromatid definition, one of two identical chromosomal strands into which a chromosome splits longitudinally preparatory to cell division

32. In one embodiment, the tubular wall has a longitudinally length which is variable by an 'accordian'-like action.

33. The conveying zone 4 extends longitudinally between the two comb plates 12 of the access zones 2, 3.

Der Förderbereich 4 erstreckt sich in seiner Länge zwischen den beiden Kammplatten 12 der Zugangsbereiche 2, 3.

34. The apophysis of the proximal 5 th metatarsal (plural Apophyses) lies laterally and is oriented longitudinally parallel to the shaft.

35. The first and second tubular members are arranged in colinear alignment to form a longitudinally extending conduit (34) therein.

36. The invention relates to a structural element for an aircraft fuselage, generally shaped in the form of a longitudinally elongate section.

37. The Corium brick tile cladding system comprises longitudinally interlocking steel backing sections, profiled to allow Corium tiles to be easily clipped into it

38. An acoustic regulator is disposed in the acoustic attenuation chamber and extends longitudinally from the partition to an output end of the housing.

39. The formations are drilled by rotating a first drill rod having a first core barrel latched therein and advancing the drill rod longitudinally.

40. The alignment tape portion has opposing alignment edges that extend outwardly beyond corresponding masking edges of the masking tape portion forming longitudinally extending lateral overhangs.

41. Asthenic a man with a constitution characterized by tall-ness, leanness, a long neck, a longitudinally extended skull, and a narrow and sharply outlined face.

42. The Basidiumis a clublike structure with 2–4 apical sterigmata that bear basidiospores. It is usually entire but is divided longitudinally in Auriculariales and Platygloeales.

43. Amidships (not comparable) (nautical) In the middle of a ship, either longitudinally or laterally. [The U-boat captain] waited until the crosshairs lay directly Amidships.

44. Dental casts were used to analyze the pre- and postoperative maxillary morphology, dental arch dimensions, and occlusion of both samples, which were followed longitudinally from infancy to early adulthood.

Die Analyse der prä- und postoperativen maxillären Morphologie, der Zahnbögendimensionen und der Okklusion wurde für beide Gruppen anhand von Gebissmodellen durchgeführt; die Patienten wurden longitudinal von ihrer Kindheit an bis zum frühen Erwachsenenalter überwacht.

45. The bone surfaces are resected by moving a rotating milling cutter (138) longitudinally across the bone surface and moving the rotating milling cutter (138) substantially laterally across the bone.

46. Bundled payment interventions may aggregate costs longitudinally (i.e., over time within a single provider), aggregate costs across providers, and/or involve warranties by which the costs of complications are rolled into a single payment

47. To determine the content of Corneous and floury endosperm, the sorghum grains were cut longitudinally, obtaining a surface as flat as possible. Using a colloidal carbon solution, the grain was placed on the sample holder with carbon tape, leveled, …

48. When sold dry, Bryony root appears in circular, brittle pieces, 1/4 to 1/3 inch thick about 2 inches in diameter, the thin bark greyish-brown and rough, longitudinally wrinkled, the central portion whitish or greyish, showing numerous round wood bundles arranged in …

49. The enormous quantities of heavy plate used - a total of 24,000 tonnes - had to have particularly large dimensions, in order to economize on the need for welds and permit cost-effective utilization of this material, while the selection of longitudinally profiled plate additionally boosted structural efficiency.

Der Einsatz von Längsprofilblechen erhöhte die bauliche Effizienz zusätzlich. Dillinger Hütte GTS lieferte in Abmessungen von 28 Metern Länge und bis 4,5 Metern Breite, davon etwa ein Viertel als Längsprofilbleche mit Dickendifferenzen bis 30 Millimeter über die Blechlänge.

50. One authority comments on this: “Considerable load-bearing strength is achieved by aligning all wood fibers longitudinally —just as the tendons of muscles derive their immense toughness from the fact that all the fibers of connective tissue are aligned parallel to each other in the direction of stress.”