longitudinal section in Germany

longitudinal section [lɔndʒitjuːdinlsekʃən] Längsschnitt

Sentence patterns related to "longitudinal section"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "longitudinal section" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "longitudinal section", or refer to the context using the word "longitudinal section" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 2 B : Enlarged longitudinal section of one adrenal gland.

2. = longitudinal-section) An Achenecetum is an aggregate fruit of Achenes

3. The longitudinal section shows the Antheroid nature of this yellowish tissue on top of the petals

4. In accordance with the specialities of the train ferry, the paper explores in detail the longitudinal section design of its trestle bridge.

5. Abdominal wound dehiscence can result from general (disturbed protein metabolism, drugs, hormones), mechanical (excessive adiposis, vomiting, meteorism, ascites) or local causes (suture technique, suture material, wound infection). Of all cases of wound dehiscence 85 % occurred after longitudinal section.

Bei der Pathogenese einer Bauchwandruptur müssen allgemeine Faktoren (Eiweißstoffwechselstörungen, Medikamente, Hormone), mechanische Faktoren (ausgeprägte Adipositas, Erbrechen, Meteorismus, Ascites) und lokale Faktoren (fehlerhafte Nahttechnik, Nahtmaterial, Wundinfektion) berücksichtigt werden. 23,2 % der Wunddehiscenzen hatten ihre Ursache in postoperativen Peritonitiden, perforierten Appendicitiden und infizierten Wundhämatomen.