looked after in Germany

looked after [luktɑːftər] betreute

Sentence patterns related to "looked after"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "looked after" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "looked after", or refer to the context using the word "looked after" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. She looked after her ailing father.

2. Looked after him as best I could.

3. His concubines were looked after by the palace eunuchs.

4. I looked after the zucchini plants even better after that .

5. I looked after Jessica and visited him every other day.

6. She looked after him with a devotion bordering on obsession .

7. Their aging parents will be looked after in private homes.

8. He wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after.

9. Give your money to the hotel manager to be looked after.

10. Skara Brae itself is beautifully looked after in a dramatic coastal location

11. Each of us was assigned a minder, someone who looked after us.

12. It's good to see their interests being looked after at long last.

13. His oldest sister had done the cooking and generally looked after the home.

14. The hospital was negligent in the way it looked after this young man.

15. Princess is groomed and well looked after, the rich grass is her favourite food.

16. " So this is how you have looked after my poor, dear boy, Mr. Wooster!

17. Nicolas is such an Angel because he patiently looked after me when I was sick

18. Also in this community it’s always been the companies that’s kind of looked after us.

19. 21 He could afford this, for the royal household had brazenly looked after its own.

20. He looked after us, my sister and I, because we didn' t have any family

Er hat auf uns aufgepasst, meine Schwester und mich, weil wir keine Familie hatten

21. Children in families on low incomes and looked after children receive an additional payment of £250.

22. Broadspectrum I can say is a great work place and staff are very well looked after

23. These customers were not, and could not be, looked after by Hirschauer's after-sales service department.

Diese Kunden würden und könnten gar nicht durch den Servicebetrieb betreut werden.

24. If an average Japanese operative looked after 240 spindles , the number was only 180 in India .

25. Ensure that our traditional markets are looked after; for the rest, I am not much concerned.

26. She worked there with the grass, hoeing and the corn. She also looked after the livestock.

27. She looked after some children in their last year before they were packed off to boarding school.

28. Adjective disabled, handicapped, paralysed, lame, deformed, incapacitated, bedridden, housebound, enfeebled He looked after his senile, Crippled mother

29. In their absence Pete will be looked after by the Bible College's bursar and husband in Malton.

30. Kids can be looked after and Amused in their own special playroom -- a supervised and completely safe environment.

31. They gave me the impression that I would be looked after in Abidjan, but things turned out otherwise.

32. She looked after the affairs of the Press very capably and occasionally sent Milford boxes of complimentary cigars.

33. So they have clearly assured us that they are very keen that the workers who come here were contributing to their economic development are looked after and looked after well, and if there are some aberrations, it will be dealt within the Saudi law.

34. When properly fed and looked after , a camel may prove to be a potent source of milk in desert regions .

35. Mary had been looked after by a nanny until the age of seven and had then stayed intermittently with elderly relatives.

36. The Buddha statue in the bhumisparsha mudra pose (right fingertips touching the ground) has been very well looked after over the years

37. Synonyms for Cared for include provided, supported, Cared, fed, fended for, looked after, nurtured, sustained, took care of and was responsible for

38. We were extremely well looked after by Per Sorum, a sprightly 70-plus year old who had a beautiful house in Aasen.

39. Seems to me it's only fair that you and I split the money, since I looked after Mommy on her death bed.

40. The Bungalows would have been looked after and populated by the Hotel as an alternate place for tourists to stay while visiting the Resort

41. As well as being his main carer, Freaney also looked after her three other children - who suffered hyper-activity disorder, dyspraxia and Asperger's syndrome - and her elderly mother.

42. Bothy comes from the Gaelic word ‘bothan’ meaning hut and were originally (and some still are) used for accommodation for farm labourers or estate workers who looked after livestock or crops.

43. After his birth, Edward was looked after by a wet nurse called Mariota or Mary Maunsel for a few months until she fell ill, when Alice de Leygrave became his foster mother.

44. Brightly awards grants to children and young people from birth to 25 years who are being looked after in States care or are care experienced, as well as others who are suffering

45. These Are Our Bairns Our underpinning theme is working together, one of the key themes identified in Looked After Children and Young People – We Can and Must Do Better (Scottish Executive, January 2007)

46. ‘The women built the houses from Cowpats while the men looked after the herd.’ ‘That's a chequered cloth spread on a grassy meadow, carefully arranged to avoid the Cowpats.’ ‘In the searing heat of the Mojave desert, Cowpats quickly assume the texture and aerodynamics of Frisbees.’

47. Agisted Sentence Examples It is said that they acquired this name because the zulu kings when they exercised dominion over all that district were in the habit of despatching large herds of the royal cattle to be looked after by these people, or in their own idiom to be sisad , i.e

48. A court may not impose a security requirement in respect of a young person unless he is charged with or has been found guilty of a violent or sexual offence, or an offence punishable in the case of an adult with custody for a term of 10 years or more; or he has a recent history of absconding while being looked after by the Department, and is charged with or has been found guilty of an offence alleged or found to have been committed while he was being looked after by the Department; and (in either case) the court is of opinion that only such a requirement would be adequate to protect the public from harm from him.

49. Anthropocentrism (Greek άνθρωπος, anthropos, human being, κέντρον, kentron, "center") is the idea that, for humans, humans must be the central concern, and that humanity must judge all things accordingly: Anthropos (the term, like “human”, refers to both men and women) must be considered, looked after and cared for, above all other real or imaginary beings.