implicating in Germany

implicating [implikeitiŋ] verwickelnd

Sentence patterns related to "implicating"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "implicating" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "implicating", or refer to the context using the word "implicating" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. An earlier report, implicating the government, had been conveniently swept under the carpet.

2. Senator, there are reports implicating your advisors as having orchestrated the assassination attempt.

3. When there was information implicating someone, we didn't inspect it with a magnifying glass."

4. Science vainly struggles to keep up, offering hypotheses implicating all manner of causes and suggesting all manner of effects.

5. A human bite case implicating a Florida false wolf spider (Ctenus Captiosus) has been documented in Florida

6. They also enabled women to challenge male professional power while at the same time implicating them in coercive class regulation.

7. The prior term “venous angioma” is a misnomer implicating an abnormal vascular structure with an increased bleeding risk.

Der vormalige Terminus „venöses Angiom“ sollte nicht mehr benutzt werden, da er abnormale Gefäßstrukturen mit einem erhöhten Blutungsrisiko impliziert.

8. Bourgeois's “reckless” state of mind is thus sufficient to render him eligible for the death penalty without implicating the strictures of …

9. The human Affiants, while not bearing witness in court, clearly served as "witnesses against" the accused for purposes of implicating a right of confrontation

10. Journalists and newspapers are often accused of libel and defamation for publishing reports implicating Government’s representatives in corruption and for criticising Government’s actions.

11. The government allegedly found arms and ammunition and some potentially evidential documents on the premises of Washington Place, Liliʻuokalani's private residence implicating her in the plot.

12. The story, titled 'Uncovering Pakistan's Secret Human Rights Abuses' and published on June 2, carries Conjecturing implicating Pakistan Army without any proof, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement.

13. Our results showed that the Australasian genetic signal, previously described as exclusive to Amazonian groups, was also identified in the Pacific coastal population, pointing to a more widespread signal distribution within South America, and possibly implicating an ancient contact between Pacific and Amazonian dwellers.