import licence in Germany

import licence [impɔːtlaisns] Einfuhrgenehmigung

Sentence patterns related to "import licence"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "import licence" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "import licence", or refer to the context using the word "import licence" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Import licence applications shall be accompanied by the following documents:

2. The additional import licence shall contain in box 20 one of the following entries:

Die zusätzliche Einfuhrlizenz enthält in Feld 20 einen der folgenden Hinweise:

3. The information contained in the import licence must be provided in advance to the transit States.

Die in der Einfuhrlizenz enthaltenen Angaben sind den Durchfuhrstaaten im Voraus zu übermitteln.

4. (b) where the tender submitted for the tendering procedure is accepted, on the issue of the import licence.

b) bei Ausstellung der Einfuhrlizenz, wenn dem bei der Ausschreibung eingereichten Angebot stattgegeben wurde.

5. • All imports must be registered with the Ministry of Commerce in order to obtain a general import licence.