implores in Germany

implores [implɔːz] fleht a

Sentence patterns related to "implores"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "implores" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "implores", or refer to the context using the word "implores" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 14 David again implores Jehovah’s blessing, saying: “Turn to me and show me favor.

2. The Sikhanda mauli Sri Krishna implores the Sakhis of Rasandhi Radhaji in Beseechful tone

3. Wherefore he Betakes himself to God, and pleads not any merit or righteousness of his own, but implores the grace and mercy of God

4. “Do come,” she implores him, “let us drink our fill of love until the morning; do let us enjoy each other with love expressions.”

5. Ancyra is a Sovereign state that implores an absolute monarchy. The Head of State is the enigmatic Emperor Ronin, who serves as both the Commander-in-Chief …

6. During the affray the king raises his voice loudly and implores the people to stop, appealing to his royal majesty, but he seems to preach to deaf ears.

Der König hob zwar währenddessen laut seine Stimme und beschwor die Leute unter Berufung auf die königliche Majestät, aber er schien tauben Ohren zu predigen.

7. “It cajoles, it implores, it reasons, it shouts,” is the way one writer described it, adding: “Whether consciously or subconsciously, all of us are affected, for better or for worse, by advertising.”

„Sie bittet, beschwört, argumentiert und schreit“, sagte jemand einmal. „Ob es uns bewußt ist oder nicht, wir werden alle von der Werbung zum Guten oder zum Schlechten beeinflußt.“

8. ‘Douglas Wootton dramatises this Bawdily rollicking ditty to perfection, down to the last nudge and wink.’ ‘Helen and Paris enter; she implores Pandarus to sing a song of love, which he later sings Bawdily.’

9. Speaking to her husband in front of an assembly of Argive citizens, Clytaemestra relates how trying her wait has been in lieu of myriad tales of wounds and death to Agamemnon, and she implores the disgruntled audience to patience, to maintain the council and order.

10. Colony's resident weasel of a villain Snyder, played by Peter Jacobson (), implores Will to help make a deal where if 150 Outliers turn themselves over, the Hosts will defend Seattle from attack.Will is the first to volunteer to fight for the Hosts and soon this bleak quota is filled, and a shield later prevents the opposing alien forces from destroying the city.