importation in Germany

importation [impɔːteiʃən] Import

Sentence patterns related to "importation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "importation" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "importation", or refer to the context using the word "importation" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act continues to apply to the importation of alcohol into a province.

2. the cost of transport after importation;

b) Beförderungskosten nach der Einfuhr;

3. Her dress is a recent importation from France.

4. 1808 – The United States bans the importation of slaves.


6. Be responsible for the importation and exportation, processing business.

7. Purchase, sale and importation of computer accessories, peripherals and supplies

Kauf, Verkauf und Import von Computerzubehör, -peripheriegeräten und -bedarf

8. A 1930 U.S. law forbids importation of items made in prisons.

9. Canadian Prescription Drug Re - Importation: Is There a Safety Issue?

10. Importation records of Cotswold only date back to that era.

11. They are dependent upon importation from foreign countries for cotton and grain.

12. Importation and exportation are the defining financial transactions of international trade.

13. Consequently, the importation and use of indigo in Europe rose significantly.

14. The applicants were remanded in custody charged with the illegal importation of cannabis.

15. Charges for construction, erection, assembly, maintenance or technical assistance undertaken after importation

Zahlungen für Bau, Errichtung, Montage, Instandhaltung oder technische Unterstützung nach der Einfuhr

16. There was no production, consumption or importation or exportation of natural gas.

17. For importation of goods, it is the date of imp - ort declaration.

18. This letter will contain the transaction, adjustment and line numbers of the importation involved.

19. when the amount of tax due by reason of the importation is insignificant.

wenn der Betrag der bei der Einfuhr fälligen Steuer geringfügig ist.

20. 11 They are dependent upon importation from foreign countries for cotton and grain.

21. Existing powers over importation, use and supply of hazardous chemicals will be extended.

22. This lack resulted in a considerable increase in importation, creating a continuous deficit.

23. Do you support the importation of Accidented vehicles into Nigeria? March 22, 2021

24. Twenty-one nations ban importation of wheat from countries where karnal bunt has been found.

25. In principle, import duties and import-VAT are paid at the office of importation.

26. In about 1970, importation to Sweden of semen from American Holstein-Friesian bulls began.

27. He ordered the importation of larger horses from Central Europe, mainly from the region of Friesland.

28. The husband and his brother ran a company engaged in the importation of textiles, Aboody Brothers.

29. Pectins we need maily depend on importation(Sentencedict), which increases production cost and resource dependance.

30. Carnet: a customs licence authorizing temporary importation; an official document permitting the crossing of frontiers.

31. Resales on the Union market after importation from the PRC of the product under review

Weiterverkäufe der zu überprüfenden Ware auf dem Unionsmarkt nach der Einfuhr aus der VR China

32. The Food and Drugs Act and the Regulations regulate the importation of drugs for sale.

33. The latter actually developed after the advent of railways made importation of sheet metal easier.

34. The suit led to legal changes permitting the importation of abstract art free of duty.

35. Checking, following and supervising whole process of importation in air port of each air shipment.

36. Artificial Insemination (AI) has replaced importation of sheep because of the expense of quarantine requirements.

37. Background: A New Jersey law banned the importation of waste materials from outside the state.

38. It was during periods of depression or World Wars that the importation came to a stop.

39. EEC-Turkey Association Agreement – Importation of colour televisions from Turkey – Action for damages – Statute barred – Inadmissibility

„Assoziierungsabkommen EWG–Türkei – Einfuhr von Farbfernsehern aus der Türkei – Schadensersatzklage – Verjährung – Unzulässigkeit“

40. As a result, Singapore has imposed a ban on the importation of chickens and poultry products.

41. At the same time, they committed themselves to the massive importation of weapons from the West.

42. fees and charges imposed by or for governmental agencies on or in connection with importation, exportation or transit;

die Gebühren und Belastungen, die von oder im Namen von staatlichen Stellen anlässlich oder im Zusammenhang mit der Einfuhr, Ausfuhr oder Durchfuhr auferlegt werden,

43. (4) The importation from Chile of fresh meat of porcine animals is deemed acceptable as a result.

(4) Die Einfuhr von frischem Schweinefleisch aus Chile kann unter diesen Umständen genehmigt werden.

44. Article 2(9) requires adjustments for all costs incurred between importation and resale and for profits accruing.

Nach Artikel 2 Absatz 9 sind Berichtigungen für alle zwischen der Einfuhr und dem Wiederverkauf entstandenen Kosten und Gewinne vorzunehmen.

45. This adjustment was made by increasing the prices by the normal custom duty and post importation costs

Die Berichtigung erfolgte, indem der normale Zoll und die nach der Einfuhr angefallenen Kosten zum Preis addiert wurden

46. Restrictions are also being introduced on the sale, advertisement or importation of surface coating materials containing mercury.

47. This comparison was made after deduction of rebates and discounts and adapting for any post importation costs

Dieser Vergleich wurde nach Abzug von Preisnachlässen und Mengenrabatten und unter Berücksichtigung etwaiger nach der Einfuhr angefallener Kosten vorgenommen

48. Facts: pleaded guilty to being concerned in the fraudulent evasion of the importation of a controlled drug.

49. He tried wine importation, brick manufacture, hosiery and the making of perfume from the glands of civets.

50. The Ministry recently granted permission for the importation of additional cement, to be delivered in October 2011.