enunciated in Germany

enunciated [inʌnsieitid] drückte aus

Sentence patterns related to "enunciated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "enunciated" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "enunciated", or refer to the context using the word "enunciated" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He enunciated the words very precisely.

2. His voice was harsh as he enunciated each word carefully.

3. We knew our bottom line – and we enunciated it with clarity and precision.

4. He enunciated, quietly, but in something like his usual modulated and faintly histrionic tone.

5. The primary relationship between phonemes and Allophones is that phonemes become spoken language when Allophones are enunciated.

6. I enunciated carefully, hoping that Barney Lewis's admonition about clear speaking would now have some magical effect.

7. It is noted that nearly eight exceptions could apply to the absolute liability rule enunciated by Rylands v.

8. The main property of Counting is so fundamental to our perception of quantity that it is seldom enunciated explicitly

9. It’s unclear whether a North Carolina court would uphold removal of a board member based on Amotion as enunciated in these old cases.

10. 25 Leibniz enunciated the principal properties of what we now call conjunction, disjunction, negation, identity, set inclusion, and the empty set.

11. But right now I am going to give it to you as Mendeleev enunciated it. Atomic number, we will learn later, is the improvement.

12. She thanked Africa for its support for India's elections to the non-permanent seat in UN Security Council and received wide acclamation when she enunciated India's desire to continued consultation with Africa on African problems.

13. Bailey's beautifully enunciated, pleasantly pitched, expressive and elegant voice is perfectly suited to this huge biography of a relatively little-known but intriguing figure in English history: Baseborn Perkin Warbeck or Richard Plantagenet, one of the two little princes incarcerated in the Tower of London and presumably murdered by Richard III.

14. The juridical principle of the fidei commissum that Paul has enunciated in Gal 3:15 makes the testament inviolable: "No one Annuls or adds a codicil to a testament ([TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII.]) ratified by a human being." The precedence of that testament, however, is challenged by the Sinai covenant and its attendant giving of the Law.