envisages in Germany

envisages [invizidʒiz] fasst ins Auge, stellt sich vo

Sentence patterns related to "envisages"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "envisages" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "envisages", or refer to the context using the word "envisages" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The present protocol, as I said, envisages an additional 42.

2. She envisages an era of great scientific discoveries.

3. He envisages the possibility of establishing direct diplomatic relations in the future.

4. The BharatNet project envisages connecting Gram Panchayats with underground optical fibre network.

5. The Platform for Action envisages the following activities to that end

6. The MoU envisages development of new technology for drilling of oil and gas.

7. SAFTA envisages eventual zero customs duty on virtually all products within the region.

8. It only envisages the adoption of additional protocols relating to other categories of conventional weapons.

9. Another option envisages giving the parties access to documents held by national competition authorities.

10. The concept envisages that a starter alternator is connected to one of the transmission intake shafts.

Ein Startergenerator wird an eine der Getriebe-Eingangswellen angekoppelt und kann mehrere Funktionen übernehmen. Im normalen Fahrbetrieb dient er als Ersatz für die Lichtmaschine.

11. The picturesque view, which envisages life as art, took a long time to die.

12. The project envisages aggregating public sector demand for such services and procuring them via public sector procurements

In dem Projekt sollen der einschlägige Bedarf der öffentlichen Einrichtungen gebündelt und die Erbringung der Dienste öffentlich ausgeschrieben werden

13. After analyzing current production and consumption trends and likely import patterns, the Report envisages the following:

14. The BIMSTEC FTA, in addition to Trade in Goods, also envisages agreements covering Investments and Services.

15. Another proposal envisages a regular interface between the intelligence and military establishments of the two sides .

16. Envisages ten year supply and purchase by India of crude oil and feed stocks/products.

17. The Convention on Prior Informed Consent also envisages the development of a non-compliance regime

18. Hence the proposal envisages to risk-adjust contributions, i.e. continues the principle already established by the DGS Directive.

Daher sieht der Vorschlag vor, die Beiträge auf die jeweiligen Risiken abzustimmen ('risikoadjustieren'), und folgt damit dem bereits mit der Einlagensicherungsrichtlinie eingeführten Prinzip.

19. In view of security considerations, the report envisages outsourcing of only non-sensitive activities as stated above. It also envisages cutting down substantially the time taken for issuance of passports by completely overhauling the passport issuance system.

20. The Leader+ type measure envisages the selection of a maximum 40 LAGs under the second action.

21. A contract for the services of an expert envisages the accomplishment of specific work or tasks.

22. 18 Memorandum of Understanding between "Pereslavskij Technopark” and Swastik Polymers" This MOU envisages joint production of Master Batches for polymers

23. So the parable envisages a situation that could arise in the early Church and advises that human judgment makes mistakes.

24. Memorandum of Understanding between "Pereslavskij Technopark” and Swastik Polymers" This MOU envisages joint production of Master Batches for polymers

25. The project envisages installed capacity of 1095 MW (6x182.50 MW) with annual average energy generation of 5377.45 GWH.

26. To this end, the invention envisages the formation of axial abutments by the ring gears of the curvic couplings.

27. The 11th Plan envisages tripling the allocation, which shows the determination and priority that the Government attaches to the health sector.

28. Polyvinyl alcohol aqueous solution modification envisages the creation of new active centers by oligomers inoculation to the surface and blocking the clay component and Authigenous …

29. According to the aforementioned provision the abettor is subject to liability under the article which envisages the committed crime, referring to Article # of the Code

30. The Commission envisages introducing an organisational structure for GMES Services to accelerate the aggregation of demand and improve its internal management arrangements.

Um die Konzentration der Nachfrage zu beschleunigen und die inneren Managementstrukturen zu verbessern, plant die Kommission den Aufbau einer Organisationsstruktur für GMES-Dienste.

31. This Project envisages connecting 53 nations of the African Union through a satellite and fibre optic network that will provide effective communication and connectivity among themselves.

32. The proposal envisages that all the long term coal linkages of individual State Generating Stations shall be clubbed and assigned to respective states / state nominated agency.

33. Agreement on GLONASS High Precision signal access to India This Agreement envisages Russia providing access to the GLONASS High Precision Navigation signals to India.

34. This MoU envisages cooperation between to cooperate in the fields of sustainable development, urban planning, heritage conservation and up-gradation of basic services.

35. The Commission envisages aggregating these physical indicators with the help of a panel of scientists to form a set of ten pressure indices.

Die Kommission beabsichtigt, diese physikalischen Indikatoren mit Hilfe eines Gremiums von Wissenschaftlern zusammenzustellen, um einen Satz von zehn Umweltbelastungsindizes einzurichten.

36. 2. For Secondary Education:Presently, the Ministry of Human Resources Development envisages that the accruals from the Cess would be utilized in the secondary education for:

37. Programme envisages detailed plan of action and cooperation in the field of Arts, Museums, Archives, Monuments, Library and Exchange of Technical Experts & Studentsfor the period 2015-2018.

38. The Monterrey Consensus envisages a new partnership for sustainable development between the developed and developing nations, on the basis of shared accountability and obligations.

Die Übereinkunft von Monterrey schlägt einen neuen Partnerschaftspakt zwischen den Industrie- und den Entwicklungsländern für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung auf der Grundlage gegenseitiger Verantwortung und Verpflichtungen vor.

39. The partnership envisages active cooperation in a wide spectrum of areas including political, counter-terrorism, economic, education, health, human resource development, energy, science and technology, tourism and culture.

40. In light of the enhanced participation of women in agriculture, the Twelfth Plan also envisages ensuring women’s access to the various agriculture schemes being implemented by the government.

41. 15 Agreement on GLONASS High Precision signal access to India This Agreement envisages Russia providing access to the GLONASS High Precision Navigation signals to India.

42. The programme envisages steady real GDP growth between 5 and 6% p.a., driven by continued strong domestic demand and exports set to accelerate with the projected pick-up in external activity.

Das Programm geht von einem stetigen realen Wachstum des BIP von 5-6 % jährlich aufgrund einer anhaltend starken Inlandsnachfrage und steigenden Exporten infolge der vorhergesagten Belebung der Außenhandelstätigkeiten aus.

43. The proposed Decision envisages extending such prohibition, as from 2025, to the manufacture, import and export of dental amalgam for all other uses, except where no mercury-free alternatives are available.

Gemäß dem vorgeschlagenen Beschluss soll das Verbot der Herstellung, Einfuhr und Ausfuhr von Dentalamalgam ab 2025 auf alle anderen Verwendungen ausgeweitet werden, es sei denn, es sind keine quecksilberfreien Alternativen verfügbar.

44. This envisages to encourage joint R&D, deployment and manufacturing activities in the area of metal-air batteries for an array of applications, as stationary energy storage systems, electric mobility solutions etc.

45. Currently the KPDCL is adhering to the power schedule it had announced for winter months, which envisages 1.5 hour and 2.5 hour Curtailments respectively in metered and non-metered areas thrice a day.

46. The MOU envisages Malaysian consortium of Isomeric Holding Sdn Bhd and Edra Power Holdings Sdn Bhd to put up a 2.5 MT/annum urea and ammonia manufacturing plant in Melacca, Malaysia for dedicated consumption by India.

47. FLH challenged the admissibility of the question referred essentially on the ground that it envisages a hypothesis which is not the one formulated by the national law in question and it is therefore hypothetical.

FLH bezweifelt die Zulässigkeit der Vorlagefrage im Wesentlichen mit der Begründung, ihr liege eine Annahme zugrunde, die mit der Fassung des fraglichen nationalen Gesetzes nicht übereinstimme, so dass die Frage hypothetischer Natur sei.

48. The Agreement envisages cooperation in some very important regulatory activities, including legislative regulations, safety guides and technical criteria on nuclear safety; siting, design, construction, operation, decommissioning of nuclear facilities; waste management and environment impact etc.

49. Glico received blackmail letter in June An arrangement of this kind--renewable or renegotiable after a month-would be less likely to generate the problem that Levin envisages: a Blackmailer coming back for more after an

50. The Plan of Action envisages a number of steps in the areas of Trade and Investment, Finance, Transport, Food, Agriculture, Forestry, Information and Communication Technology, Tourism, Science, Technology and Innovation, and Mining and Natural Resources Management.