environmental impact in Germany

environmental impact [invaiərənmentlimpækt] Umwelteinfluss

Sentence patterns related to "environmental impact"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "environmental impact" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "environmental impact", or refer to the context using the word "environmental impact" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Check and optimise parameters of environmental impact regularly.

2. Increases in efficiency can reduce overall environmental impact.

3. Logging companies must prepare an environmental impact report.

4. The environmental impact assessment was submitted in February 2010.

5. The environmental impact of power generation is being assessed.

6. — the environmental impact of agriculture, soil erosion, and chemical pollution,

— Auswirkungen der Landwirtschaft auf die Umwelt, Bodenerosion und chemische Verschmutzung;

7. The Act Environmental ImpAct FActor Label was designed to address the need of both scientists and procurement specialists for clear, third-party verified information about the environmental impAct of laboratory products

8. An adequate environmental impact assessment was not carried out on the bypass project.

9. Environmental impact reports are required under many circumstances by federal and state law.

10. An Adequate environmental impact assessment was not carried out on the bypass project

11. Other areas comprise peat land, whose drainage would have a deleterious environmental impact.

12. Public information and consultation provisions are a central component of Environmental Impact Assessment.

Zu den zentralen Elementen der Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung gehören die Bestimmungen über die Unterrichtung und Anhörung der Öffentlichkeit.

13. 12 Environmental impact reports are required under many circumstances by federal and state law.

14. An Adequate environmental impact assessment was not carried out on the bypass project: 10

15. 17 An adequate environmental impact assessment was not carried out on the bypass project.

16. Subject: Minimizing the environmental impact of the building of access roads to the Freixo Bridge

Betrifft: Maßnahmen zur Minimierung der Auswirkungen des Baus der Zufahrten für die Brücke von Freixo auf die Umwelt

17. Now, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Lynas' permanent disposal facility (PDF) has Contradicted them

18. Liberalization will also change the technical configuration of electricity systems, and thereby their environmental impact.

19. This was the first of many flights that will test the environmental impact of alternative fuels.

Dieser Flug war der erste einer ganzen Serie von Testflügen zur Erforschung der Umweltauswirkungen alternativer Treibstoffe.

20. Any non - compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance.

21. The viscosity and toxic nature of the heavy fuel oil made its environmental impact especially tragic.

22. The Campaign for Greener Arbitrations is an initiative to reduce the environmental impact of international Arbitrations

23. Pollution prevention and effluent treatment measures are crucial to minimizing the environmental impact of these activities.

24. Whereas the Community signed the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context on # February

Die Gemeinschaft hat am #. Februar # das Übereinkommen über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung im grenzüberschreitenden Rahmen unterzeichnet

25. They also asked for effective mechanisms to ensure a company's accountability for its social and environmental impact;

Es müsse auch ein effizientes Instrumentarium geschaffen werden, das die Verantwortung der Unternehmen für die sozialen und ökologischen Auswirkungen ihrer Tätigkeit gewährleistet.

26. As a rule, complex activities with a more significant environmental impact need to be audited more frequently.

Komplexe Tätigkeiten mit bedeutenderen Umweltauswirkungen müssen im Allgemeinen häufiger geprüft werden.

27. Other processes that could facilitate integration include NAPAs, the Hyogo Framework for Action and environmental impact assessments

28. With concerns about environmental impact and climate change increasing, some researchers have begun to look for alternatives.

Angesichts der wachsenden Bedenken hinsichtlich Umweltauswirkungen und Klimawandel haben Forscher begonnen, nach Alternativen zu suchen.

29. Comprehensive web-based environmental impact analysis system to reduce greenhouse gases and life cycle cost of building

30. The calculations of the release of airborne radioactive effluence to environment are bases of environmental impact assessment.

31. an initial assessment of the environmental status of the waters, and the environmental impact of human activities thereon;

Anfangsbewertung zur Erfassung des aktuellen Umweltzustands der Gewässer und der Umweltauswirkungen menschlichen Handelns;

32. EESC recommends to the Commission to undertake (at the beginning of second stage negotiations) strategic environmental impact analysis.

Der Ausschuss empfiehlt der Kommission, zu Beginn der Verhandlungen strategische Umweltfolgenabschätzungen durchzuführen.

33. include information about actions that address the environmental impact of the highway and railway and improve public safety

34. Integrated management system for sludge in plurality of sewage treatment facilities using environmental impact assessment and method therefor

35. - environmental impact of air transport is a global issue and concerns different aspects of the air transport system.

- Die Umweltfolgen des Luftverkehrs sind eine globale Angelegenheit, die sich auf verschiedene Aspekte des Luftverkehrs erstrecken.

36. EcoTransIT can quantify the environmental impact of a company’s logistics activities as part of an environmental balance sheet.

EcoTransIT kann die ökologischen Auswirkungen der Logistikaktivitäten eines Unternehmens im Rahmen einer Umweltbilanz quantifizieren.

37. They want fewer screens and a new environmental impact report prepared to supplant one published 11 years ago.

38. It will assess the environmental impact of new and existing development projects and carry out research and consultancy.

39. An environmental management standard or system or protocol attempts to reduce environmental impact as measured by some objective criteria.

40. The findings will help boost the competitiveness of European aero-engine manufacturers and decrease the environmental impact of flying.

Die Ergebnisse werden dabei helfen, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der europäischen Triebwerkshersteller zu verbessern und die negativen Umweltauswirkungen des Fliegens verringern.

41. It reduces the level of infrastructure required to log in a specific location, reducing the environmental impact of logging.

42. The criteria are set at levels that promote the labelling of bed mattresses which have a lower environmental impact.

43. Eastman Trēva™ engineering Bioplastic is a cellulose-based thermoplastic that offers both high performance and reduced environmental impact

44. Its main task would be to ensure that the environmental impact of military activities were kept to a minimum.

45. In many cases, both the minimisation of environmental impact and cost savings compared with previous practice have been achieved.

46. Contravenes section 10 (3) (a), (b) or (c) Contravenes order municipality fails to submit or Contravenes plan Contravenes regulations respecting hazardous waste refuses to supply environmental impact assessment Contravenes section 87 (8) knowingly supplies false or misleading environmental impact assessment Contravenes section 85 (8)

47. Cogeneration allows you to benefit from two or three forms of energy for the price of one, with minimal environmental impact

48. It is one of the difficulties in environmental evaluation to carry out environmental economic cost-benefit analysis and monetize environmental impact.

49. In some cases, Architects provide predesign services, such as feasibility and environmental impact studies, site selection, cost analyses, and design requirements

50. There has been no appreciable environmental impact when Cullet has been tested for harmful contaminants and potential for leaching over time.