enveloping in Germany

enveloping [inveləpiŋ] einwickelnd

Sentence patterns related to "enveloping"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "enveloping" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "enveloping", or refer to the context using the word "enveloping" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The right enveloping tongue and the left enveloping tongue are adhered to the rear face via the first adhering region.

2. Some double-sided adhesive is provided on the secondary adhering region and the first adhering region of the upper enveloping tongue, and the secondary adhering region of the right enveloping tongue and the left enveloping tongue.

3. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark.

4. The Great War, later known as World War I, was enveloping Europe.

5. With protective, all-enveloping aluminium-foil undergarments even this would be possible.

6. She turned drowsily on her side, a slow creeping blackness enveloping her mind.

7. Ambery fragrances are rich in resins and speak to an enveloping warmth and seduction

8. Synonyms for Bosoming include enveloping, swathing, wrapping, shrouding, enfolding, encompassing, enclosing, enshrouding, enswathing and enwrapping

9. Within one to two weeks after injury, a provisional Callus forms, enveloping the fracture site

10. The Corruptionist captures with precision the undercurrents enveloping Bangkok, revealing multiple layers of betrayal and deception

11. Its fully enveloping aerodynamic bodywork was developed and built together with Carrozzeria Touring, and wind tunnel tested.

12. The Corruptionist captures with precision the undercurrents enveloping Bangkok, revealing multiple layers of betrayal and deception

13. The Corruptionist captures with precision the undercurrents enveloping Bangkok, revealing multiple layers of betrayal and deception

14. The Corruptionist captures with precision the undercurrents enveloping Bangkok, revealing multiple layers of betrayal and deception

15. The Corruptionist captures with precision the undercurrents enveloping Bangkok, revealing multiple layers of betrayal and deception

16. I found no one at the tillers, and the usual blinding, all-enveloping cascade of a rainstorm.

17. A package of thermal and/or acoustic insulation material has a carrying handle secured to its enveloping film.

18. With Masaki Kashiwara, she formulated a conjecture about the combinatorial structure of the enveloping algebras of Lie algebras.

Mit Masaki Kashiwara formulierte sie eine Vermutung über die kombinatorische Struktur der Einhüllenden-Algebren von Lie-Algebren.

19. 7 In this mountain he will do away with* the shroud that is enveloping all the peoples

20. I found no one at the tillers, and the usual blinding, all-enveloping cascade of a rainstorm. Sentencedict.com

21. In Chicago, Ng became Conversant in the advanced statistics that started enveloping– the game at the turn of the century

22. Burqa definition is - a loose enveloping garment that covers the face and body and is worn in public by certain Muslim women.

23. Burka definition is - a loose enveloping garment that covers the face and body and is worn in public by certain Muslim women.

24. Flowing English speech should stand on awareness and building of coordinated legato enveloping stress timed rhythm and step down of pitches.

25. The functionally independent U(3) scalars in the enveloping algebra of Sp(3, R) are given in terms of a generating function.

26. Some consequences of a qp quantization of a point group invariant developed in the enveloping algebra of SU(2) are examined in the present note.

27. What does Atmosphere mean? Atmosphere is defined as the area of air and gas enveloping objects in space, like stars and planets, or the air around

28. The software bring convenient to designer about modification and debugging and is beneficial to reasonable selection of parameters of double-roller enveloping hourglass worm gearing.

29. < Steem Monster >It's a fun card game! Mana is the original energy of creation, mysteriously enveloping the splinterlands in the violent mag by @Agaphite

30. The enveloping orange hue is known as Airglow — a mesmerizing luminescence caused by chemical reactions high in Earth's atmosphere, NASA reported.This ghostly glow usually happens when

31. 23 From the point of view of the contact line and the meshing limit line, the contact performance of double enveloping TI (Torioidal Involute) worm gearing is analysed.

32. Automatic wrapping machines, filling machines and enveloping machines for the packaging of consumer goods, including foodstuffs, in particular sweets, chocolate, pastilles, sugared almonds, chewing-gum, goods in stick form

Automatische Einwickel-, Befüll- und Beutelmaschinen zum Konfektionieren von zum Verzehr bestimmten Lebensmitteln, insbesondere Bonbons, Schokolade, Pastillen, Konfekt, Kaugummi und Produkte am Stiel

33. Each enveloping tongue has a secondary adhering region near the peripherals of the front face and a first adhering region far from the peripherals of the front face.

34. From voluminous, enveloping shapes to compact, square proportions, Cassina’s designer Armchairs are a brilliant expression of the Meda Made know-how, based upon the primary values of comfort, functionality and style

35. It is well-known that certain types of oysters can turn irritants —small fragments of stone, for instance— into lustrous pearls by enveloping them in layers of a secretion known as nacre.

36. Changing the conception of virus the R-producing toxide is considered to be an acarides-anticoagulin, which has its chemophysiologically determinable workingpoint on the neurokeratin of the enveloping and supporting substance of the nerves.

37. On the outer side, they are laterally bounded by a curved and kinematically admissible hyperbolic surface, which is defined by enveloping the hyperbolical half cones and part of the case surface of the leading half cone.

38. It was that enveloping, and there was only one spot that didn't hurt worse than anything I'd ever felt, and it was my instep, and he was holding the arch of my foot and rubbing the instep with his thumb.

39. In fact, the witness of their lives reveals an ageless truth that the world of the Third Millennium urgently needs to rediscover: only in charity and justice can peace become a reality enveloping all human hearts, overcoming hatred and conquering evil with good.

In der Tat offenbart ihr Lebenszeugnis eine zeitlose Wahrheit, die die Welt des dritten Jahrtausends dringend neu entdecken muß: Nur durch Nächstenliebe und Gerechtigkeit kann der Friede zu einer Wirklichkeit werden, die alle Menschenherzen erfaßt, den Haß überwindet und das Böse durch das Gute besiegt.

40. Abstract: In this talk I will try to report on recent progress in connection to the classical Kostant's problem which asks when the unviersal enveloping algebra surjects onto the space of Adjointly finite endomorphisms of a simple highest weight module

41. Metal arm guards are wrapped around her wrists, matching the boots enveloping her feet, giving the rest of her crimson Bandoleered and cross-ridden belt wrapped around her waist a look of very much someone who knows her way around a battlefield

42. Written, directed, shot, and Coedited by Cuarón, Roma is a labor of love with few parallels in the history of cinema, deploying monumental black-and-white cinematography, an immersive soundtrack, and a mixture of professional and nonprofessional performances to shape its author’s memories into a world of enveloping texture, and to pay

43. Speaker: Volodymyr Mazorchuk (Uppsala University) Title: Images of simple modules under projective functors and Kostant's problem Abstract: In this talk I will try to report on recent progress in connection to the classical Kostant's problem which asks when the unviersal enveloping algebra surjects onto the space of Adjointly finite endomorphisms of a simple highest weight module.

44. The Singhbhum granite Batholithic complex of eastern India is composed mainly of (a) the Older Metamorphic Group, tonalite (-trondhjemite) gneiss (OMTG, 3800 Ma old), whch intruded synkinematically into the enveloping Older Metamorphic Group (OMG, > 3800 Ma old) and (b) the Singhbhum granite (SBG) consisting of three distinct but closely related phases of at least twelve …

45. The cistophoroi, it is argued, should be seen not as the sole currency of a purported Attalid closed currency area enveloping the whole kingdom, but rather as an epichoric coinage designed to serve the monetary needs of the core inland territories of the Attalid kingdom, as well as to discourage the export of silver from this area

46. The apparatus for processing an optical fiber includes: a release part and a winding part for respectively holding both ends of a part of the optical fiber stretched with a predetermined tension; a support unit for supporting the optical fiber during processing of the optical fiber; and a moveable unit arranged separately from the support unit with the optical fiber therebetween so as to reciprocate both in a first direction towards a frictional member and in a second direction perpendicular to the first direction, wherein the moveable unit and support unit abrade the cladding enveloping the core of the optical fiber under the minimum pressure allowing the process so as to form a light emitting region.