average income in Germany

average income [ævəridʒiŋkʌm] Durchschnittseinkomme

Sentence patterns related to "average income"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "average income" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "average income", or refer to the context using the word "average income" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The Average Income of Beauticians

2. It plots income, average income in China as a percentage of average income in the United States.

Es zeigt das durchschnittliche Einkommen in China als Anteil dessen der USA.

3. Average income is 66,615 Ablings, with the …

4. Brocton's average income also trails the national average ($73,345)

5. Average income of this Afflue nt customer base is $96,041

6. Bogata's average income also falls below the national average of $73,345

7. It's basically two ratios of per capita GDP, per capita gross domestic product, so average income.

8. 24 The average income is high, though many people earn just a fraction of that average.

9. In Africa and Latin America, average income fell by 10 to 25 percent in the 1980’s.

10. The town is located in a relatively Affluent area, with the average income 15% above the national average.

11. As a consequence, the national health-care scheme actually provides a net benefit for the average income earner.

Somit sind die Durchschnittsverdiener die eigentlichen Netto-Nutznießer des nationalen Gesundheitssystems.

12. Average income is an impressive 143,375 Alkahests, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens

13. Mean: Mean or Average income is calculated by totaling each household’s income and then dividing by the number of households

14. • The World Bank measures “shared prosperity” using the growth rate of the average income of the poorest 40 percent of the population.

15. And while wages continue to rise in wealthy countries, 80 impoverished countries have actually seen a decline in average income over the past ten years.

16. France, which received billions of dollars through the Marshall Plan, similarly saw its average income per person return to almost pre-war level by 1949.

17. Note that this is based on Categorisations from the average income level of countries, and does not take account of variation in income within countries

18. The unemployment rate soared, far outpacing the increase for Canadians generally, and the average income of Aboriginal people (adjusted for inflation) actually declined over the decade.

19. For instance, a study in China showed that during a recent period when the average income grew by 250 percent, people actually became less satisfied with life.

20. If we were to calculate the average income of these students over the course of a five-year period following their graduation, we would be conducting a Cohort analysis

21. The AIT allows property owners to serve households earning as much as 80% or as low as 20% of the Amgi as long as the occupants’ total average income is 60% or less of the Amgi

22. 2019年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C While by no means perfect, it is Considerably more comprehensive than average income, taking into account not only growth in consumption per person but also changes in working time