average life in Germany

average life [ævəridʒlaif] Mittlere Lebensdaue

Sentence patterns related to "average life"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "average life" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "average life", or refer to the context using the word "average life" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The average life expectancy was

2. What's the average life of a passenger aircraft?

3. The average life-span of an Israeli government is about two years.

4. The average life expectancy for Burb in 1963 was 70, and 85 in 1977

5. Centenarians are rare because the average life expectancies all over the world are below 100 years

6. The average life span of the ten generations from Adam to Noah was above 850 years.

7. One of the continuing financial objectives is to lengthen this average life of debt through selective refinancing.

8. Improvements in the world’s health-care systems have added years to the worldwide average life expectancy at birth.

9. Their average life expectancy was 12 years less than that of whites, their infant mortality rate twice that of whites.

10. They often express the view that an average life-span of a hundred years is a goal to be worked toward.

11. 4 Although still we can hardly see a centenarian, the average life of human have kept on increasing during the past several decades.

12. Bobcat are reported to have an average life span 2-5 years in the wild with a low number of individuals living up to 15 years

13. Average life expectancy at birth is 78 years for men and 85 years for women, one of the highest of the European Union and the World.

14. As the average life span of people in our modern society increases, so does the number of patients suffering from symptoms of female aconuresis and descensus genitalis.

Diese Entwicklung bedingt eine Häufung der weiblichen Beckenbodeninsuffizienz mit Harninkontinenz und Descensus genitalis.

15. A centenarian is an individual who has lived for at least 100 years. Centenarians are rare because the average life expectancies all over the world are below 100 years

16. Well, congratulations, because if you look at this particular slide of U.S. life expectancy, you are now in excess of the average life span of somebody who was born in 1900.

17. Well, congratulations, because if you look at this particular slide of U. S. life expectancy, you are now in excess of the average life span of somebody who was born in 1900.

18. You take that six billion minutes and you divide it by the average life expectancy of a person, that turns out to be 162 lifetimes spent every day, wasted, just getting from A to B.

19. Building on this, others have argued that the prevalence of r-selected animals in the wild indicates that the average life of a wild animal is likely to be very short and end in a painful death.

20. Andropause is a more gradual phenomenon, with serum testosterone levels declining from an average of 600ng/dl (20.8nmol/l) at the age of 30 years to approximately 400ng/dl (13.9nmol/l) by age 80.24 In addition, the average life expectancy of women is greater than that of their male peers, so that loss of skeletal mass proceeds over a longer period of time and becomes gradually more severe.