average rate in Germany

average rate [ævəridʒreit] Durchschnittssatz

Sentence patterns related to "average rate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "average rate" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "average rate", or refer to the context using the word "average rate" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Accuracy of the weighted average rate 3.107 - 3.110

Genauigkeit des gewogenen mittleren Satzes 3.107 - 3.110

2. Asphalting businesses charge an average rate of $30/m2 for their services

3. Find the best home health Aides near you! Average rate: $15.25/hr

4. This gives the lower of the average rate at 12 breaths per minute.

5. 14 And the average rate of return for this group was still 6%.

6. The statement of activities is translated at the average rate for the year.

7. Passenger growth at the airport has been growing at an average rate of 18%.

8. The average rate for Babysitters on Care.com as of March, 2021 is $14.00 per hour

9. The average rate of decline of active dunes since 1949 has been 40% per decade.

10. 1 You'll be able to earn an average rate of return of 8% on your investments.

11. (19) Average rate adjusted to forecast profits in the business plan of percentages of 34 % and 60 %.

(19) Gegenüber den Ergebnissen des "business plan" um die Abschöpfungssätze von 34 und 60 % berichtigter Mittelwert.

12. According to UNESCO, the average rate of adult literacy (ages 15 and older) in this region is 76.9%.

13. 4 Annualized average rate of return after expenses for the past 30 days; not a forecast of future returns.

14. Due to Advection, nonreactive solutes are transported at an average rate equal to the seepage velocity of the fluid

15. The average rate for a conventional home mortgage on a new home went from 7.66 percent in 1971 to 16.71 percent in 1981.

16. Once an Aorta enlarges or dilates to 3.7 centimeters or greater, it may continue to dilate at an average rate of 2 millimeters per year, states HealthCentral.

17. The average rate of accretion onto Sgr A* is unusually small for a black hole of its mass and is only detectable because it is so close to Earth.

18. Compared with similar enterprise, those which carry out the ESOP are 1/3 higher on labor productivity, 50% higher on the average rate of profit, 25-60% higher on average of the salary .

19. As long as they do not interact with the surface of soil grains, microorganisms are transported through the porous medium by Advection at an average rate equal to the average velocity of the water.

20. 23 This is insurance,(www.Sentencedict.com) because it means that a company will have lots of profit to reinvest (at a higher-than-average rate of return) in staying one step or more ahead of competitors.

21. At Allstate, the national average rate for low coverage is about $1,682 according to our study, medium coverage is about $1,788 on average, and high coverage is about $1,891, which are all about 35% above the national average cost

22. Whereas a 20 % reduction in the fleet's overall capacity is considered necessary to attain the objective pursued by the additional scrapping scheme; whereas because of the special situation with regard to the ownership of the vessels of the fleet, the premium-rate percentage system provided for in Article 6 of Regulation (EEC) No 1102/89 should be abandoned as far as fixing the rates of the scrapping premiums is concerned and the rates of those premiums should be determined for the different types and categories of inland waterway craft on the basis of the average rate paid per tonne or kW scrapped under the scrapping scheme begun on 1 January 1990;

Damit das mit der zusätzlichen Abwrackaktion angestrebte Ziel erreicht wird, muß die Gesamtkapazität dieser Flotte um rund 20 % verringert werden . Angesichts der besonderen Eigentumsverhältnisse in dieser Flotte erscheint es zweckmässig, die in Artikel 6 der Verordnung ( EWG ) Nr . 1102/89 vorgesehene "Prämiensatz"-Regelung nicht anzuwenden, sondern die Prämiensätze für Schiffstypen oder -klassen anhand des Satzes festzulegen, der bei der am 1 . Januar 1990 angelaufenen Abwrackaktion im Durchschnitt je abgewrackte Tonne oder kW gezahlt wurde .