average market price in Germany

average market price [ævəridʒmɑːkitprais] Durchschnittskurs

Sentence patterns related to "average market price"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "average market price" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "average market price", or refer to the context using the word "average market price" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Indeed, over the four years examined, and due to the penetration of the dumped imports, the average market price at delivered-warehouse distributor level decreased in absolute terms, this decrease being of more than 10 % when adjusted in order to take into consideration the general inflation rate.

Im Verlauf der vier untersuchten Jahre sank der durchschnittliche Marktpreis auf der Stufe frei Lager des Händlers infolge des Anstiegs der gedumpten Einfuhren inflationsbereinigt um mehr als 10 %.

2. (The Accreted value is the issue price plus the economic accrual of the discount.)The contingent interest is the greater of (1) the regular cash dividend for the six-month period multiplied by the number of shares into which the debt instrument may be converted or (2) a stated percent of the bond's average market price for the measurement period.