come down on like a ton of bricks in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "come down on like a ton of bricks"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "come down on like a ton of bricks" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "come down on like a ton of bricks", or refer to the context using the word "come down on like a ton of bricks" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Don't you think that the Pope come down on them like the proverbial ton of bricks?

2. I made the mistake of answering back, and she came down on me like a ton of bricks .

3. In a typical DIY Curbing job, you’ll lay a ton of bricks.

4. 23 Tawno's so good at making love it's no wonder women fall for him like a ton of bricks.

5. Things like this don't come down on one suddenly.

6. It is difficult to maintain a light, happy-go-lucky feeling when you've got a large ton of bricks on your back.

7. Then a ton of C rations and ammunition and whatnot came down on top of me.

8. Local Bathhouses don’t come with a ton of bells and whistles

9. It was like trying to drag a sled with a pile of bricks on it.

10. Put of thy holy mantle and even like him come down on the dusty soil!

11. Come on, don't push it, come down.

12. Come on down, Jack.

13. Better to tear down the igloo and try to get a refund on the bricks.

14. Now, come on, settle down!

15. Come on, get the pill down.

16. Come on, Papi, simmer down now.

17. Come on, like you wouldn't want a piece of that.

18. And it says come down on to the wet pale sand, Come down into the picture.

19. Someone's bringing a shit-ton of that stuff down to Puerto, Mexico, for spring break.

20. Could you come down on the price?

21. Come on now - calm down, cool it.

22. She took off her muff and laid it down on the rough table made of planks and bricks.

23. Can you come down On the price?

24. Such things rarely come down on you.

25. The Bonafide is an awesome ski with a ton of performance potential, much like the other skis on your list