come clean in Czech

[amer.] přiznat se Entry edited by: Pavel Cvrček

Sentence patterns related to "come clean"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "come clean" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "come clean", or refer to the context using the word "come clean" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. 17 Come clean about career problems.

2. 15 Mike : Time to come clean.

3. 5 Still, I must come clean.

4. 13 That shirt just won't come clean.

5. Come clean now and save your ass.

6. 18 I think you have to come clean.

7. 16 I just need to come clean to D.

8. 14 Cricket: She's right, Pinocchio. You'd better come clean.

9. 1 The government should come clean about its plans.

10. You come clean right now, or I'll kill you.

11. 12 To come clean, I found the movie exceedingly boring.

12. We want them to come clean and tell us what happened.

13. 20 It's obvious you did It'so you as well come clean.

14. 29 I tried to give you some time so you'd come clean.

15. 19 Jeff, you need to come clean on who is funding your work.

16. 3 I think you should come clean about where you were last night.

17. 22 Uncertainties remain about whether the regime will come clean about its uranium enrichment.

18. 2 I thought it was time to come clean about what I'd been doing.

19. 27 Chao Hsin - mei pressed the button to call the waiter to come clean up.

20. 8 In addition, you risk being fired when you come clean, another attorney pointed out.

21. The Government still have not come clean about the information revealed in a Select Committee appendix.

22. 30 In essence, if you washed your dirty dishes with orange soda,[] they wouldn't come clean.

23. 28 Some bankers believe they may even retain assets should other clients feel obliged to come clean.

24. 7 The Government still have not come clean about the information revealed in a Select Committee appendix.

25. 25 D'Arcy was throwing down a direct challenge for him to come clean, and he knew it.

26. 21 Once North Korea come clean about this, says a diplomat, Japan will show the greatest flexibility.

27. 23 Peasants and rural governments are reluctant to come clean about anything that might disrupt local economies.

28. 24 That is all very well, but why does he not come clean and give us Labour's figures?

29. Antonyms for Bluffed include undeceived, protected, revealed, supported, came clean, come clean, told truth, disillusioned, disabused and enlightened

30. 66 synonyms for Admit: confess, own up, confide, profess, come clean, avow, come out of the closet, sing

31. 11 He felt happy to finally be able to come clean about it, but he felt her withdraw.

32. 10 The key is this: he who can come clean cheapest should have an incentive to do so.

33. 6 Labour will not come clean with its figures, so it is bound to describe ours as jiggery-pokery.

34. 26 And when you picked hold of the fish and got hold of a piece it would come clean away.

35. 4 It would be better if you come clean about it and let her know what kind of man she is seeing.

36. 9 He called on Ministers to come clean over secret proposals to cut the unemployment benefit period from a year to six months.

37. In August 2009, Manfred Nowak, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, said, "The Chinese government has yet to come clean and be transparent ...

38. Now Rose has to come clean and has to admit that Charlie, an insurance representative, hasn't left as much money as Kirsten used to think of.