come into being in Czech

come into being <v.> nastat Entry edited by: B2 come into being <v.> vzniknout Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "come into being"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "come into being" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "come into being", or refer to the context using the word "come into being" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. To come into being; arise.

2. Then audit risks come into being.

3. When did the world come into being?

4. To come into being: when life Began

5. When did the universe come into being?

6. Where personification is used, Allegories come into being

7. How , then, has this historical characteristic come into being?

8. Scientists want to learn how comets come into being.

9. Recently a new anti - Japan trend has come into being.

10. Annie: When did the genuine Asian Games come into being?

11. Come into being or existence, or Appear on the scene 6

12. Yes, it is. when did China's professional athletes come into being?

13. And, venerable sir , how does self - identity view not come into being?

14. Magazines come into being to voice the new sentiments in the air.

15. The "ZY (Ziyuan)" earth resource satellite series will come into being soon.

16. New democracies have come into being since the end of the Cold War.

17. It will come into being once 60 countries ratify their leaders' decision to join.

18. In the history of mankind, how many exalting thoughts still have come into being?

19. (b) How did Jesus show that the new sheepfold was about to come into being?

20. Luxuriance on another level come into being, that is the process from simple to deep.

21. The state or quality of having existence: technical advances that have only recently come into Being

22. "Come into being" is repeated three times,a little clue: don't write your exegesis papers like this.

23. Or perhaps a new set of laws will come into being, by some sort of quantum fluctuation.

24. Arise definition is - to begin to occur or to exist : to come into being or to attention

25. The word vindauga was probably quite old, having come into being long before windows were made of glass.

26. That system of local distribution, which became a hallmark of the organization, took some years to come into being.

27. 17 Within the Boundless, which is in perpetual motion, worlds, including our world, come into being and pass away.

28. He blames himself for being naive about how such centres come into being, and about how they can be run.

29. According to Robespierre, who copies Rousseau literally, the legislator begins by decreeing the end for which the commonwealth has come into being.

30. 13 Burnt rock is come into being coal bed self-ignite and bring wall rock metamorphose and has special engineering geological characteristics.

31. All Biune Souls originate together, and so come into being with the same batch of spirits that would make up their Soul Clan

32. Under the ‘Abbasids too a whole literature was created for the use and training of the clerical classes that had come into being

33. 27 Gout is a kind of disease for purin metabolized turbulence. If it reiteration for Long time, it will come into being tophus.

34. Create definition, to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes

35. According to the mechanism that micro-cracks come into being from the dislocation, the dislocation piled-up model is used to describe the grinding crack.

36. Multi-nutrition essence can effectively heighten the cell vitality, meanwhile frap flab, improve skin and muscle ageing, decrease the furrow to come into being.

37. 5 When newborn empires and monotheism end the era of tribal society, states come into being and become the supreme form of communities, ethnic groups and various religious ethical culture.

38. 22 Peoples' respect for the ancestors in this period makes it come into being and later Taoism's rise and development as well as the deification of Huang Di promotes its formation.

39. Even in countries where the majority profess disbelief in a personal God, however, quite a few accept the idea that some unknown force caused the material universe to come into being.

40. Because of the disperse location and data safety, each system create a database in his own LAN for own use, therefore it come into being a typical heteromorphosis distributed database model.

41. Under Sufism influence, islam miniature has had its unique concepts about space-time and color, and in literature sufism poetry has come into being whose representative is Romi, a famous islam poem.

42. 28 jiddu Krishnamurti, lndia-born religious philosop Aman who does not know what passion is will never knowlove because love can come into being only when there is total self aban -donment . 

43. In Roman Catholicism: The concept of Christendom By the 10th century the religious and cultural community known as Christendom had come into being and was poised to enter a prolonged period of growth and expansion

44. In 1997, when Abandonware sites were just starting to come into being (and when the term was coined), these organizations sent cease-and-desist letters to the sites, leading most of them to shut down [sources: Granade, Huthwaite]

45. The AIIB, yes it has come into being, the process has been faster, but to my mind I think the BRICS New Development Bank actually represents an alternative form of global economic governance because here we are starting with five countries that are going to be the original shareholders which are actually going to be at par.

46. For when he has distinguished the things that have come into being from the ungenerate, he goes on to say, in that Antistrophal induction of his, that it is impossible to call (not the unbegotten, but) God, Son or generate, trying by these words to show that which is not ungenerate is not God, and that the Only-begotten God is, by the fact of

47. For when he has distinguished the "things that have come into being" from the "ungenerate," he goes on to say, in that Antistrophal induction of his, that it is impossible to call (not the "unbegotten," but) "God," "Son" or "generate," trying by these words to show that which is not ungenerate is not God, and that the Only-begotten God is, by

48. Instead of being able to indulge in downward competition, we will have to hold fast to the fact that Europe’s ability to compete is dependent on the quality of its goods and services and on the leading position that they occupy, and we should not be too abashed to say loud and clear that something made and sold in Europe can not only claim to be ‘number one’ in terms of technology and quality, but also that it embodies certain European values, such as the idea that our products and services cannot come into being by dint of the ruthless exploitation of the environment or ruthless trampling on people’s rights.