come to mind in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "come to mind"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "come to mind" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "come to mind", or refer to the context using the word "come to mind" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Multiple calamities had come to mind.

2. Two broad explanations come to mind.

3. Three possible explanations come to mind.

4. A number of possibilities come to mind.

5. The title just will not come to mind.

6. His follies come to mind along with kindnesses.

7. He waited for something to come to mind.

8. Everytime you come to mind, I realize I'm smiling.

9. Will Bible commands and principles readily come to mind?

10. I just picked up whatever goods come to mind.

11. The overuse of the work expedite come to mind here.

12. When discussing influential modern artists, three names immediately come to mind.

13. The acid-sweet pastels of 1950s' food photography come to mind.

14. What is Anglicanism?There are many associations that come to mind

15. Two principles come to mind – the separation of powers and parliamentary sovereignty.

16. Brahmas and Cochins come to mind when I think of large breed chickens

17. Other scenarios come to mind when exploring further areas of development for the partnership.

18. This type of document may have come to mind when people heard Jesus’ illustration.

19. (Proverbs 3:11, 12) A scripture that pricks our conscience may come to mind.

20. The two sources of power that first come to mind are solar and nuclear.

21. If they do not readily come to mind, look back and review what you read

22. At this stage, thoughts will no doubt come to mind which are in fact untrue.

23. When most American homeowners think of their Chimneys, living room fireplaces immediately come to mind

24. Here, the late master artist Xu Beihong and renowned composer Xian Xinhai come to mind.

25. Unfortunately, in the heat of battle, the laws of war do not exactly Come to mind.

26. When you think of Arched doorways, Roman villas and European gothic cathedrals might come to mind

27. Think of it -- vi, emacs, and jed come to mind,[] as well as many others.

28. Amazingly, all these images come to mind without any concrete pictorial concept being specifically sought after.

29. One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.

30. As thoughts like these come to mind, your mouth dries and your heart beats a little faster.

31. Crocodile Facts When you think of a Crocodile, the thought of a mean animal may come to mind

32. Pilots and other flight crew immediately come to mind; so too do maintenance engineers and air traffic controllers.

33. The picture of beat - up car come to mind. The engine needs - up, the tires need replacements, etc.

34. What pleasant memories come to mind as we reflect on the time when we first learned the truth?

35. The 1970s and glorious Fanny Cradock with her over-the-top creations always come to mind when Aspic is mentioned

36. If one were to think of the Ballsiest performers in comedy today, a handful of comedians may come to mind

37. It's amazing the ideas that can come to mind with a little thought and some extra effort on your part.

38. Little cameos come to mind: The glorious greens of the rolling countryside in the slanting rays of the evening sun.

39. The students here are not those who come to mind for most of us when we think about school success.

40. Instead of simply including in your talk facts that readily come to mind, use the research tools discussed on pages 33 to 38.

41. The actual meaning of the word is its denotation, whereas all other words and objects that come to mind refer to its Connotative meaning

42. A trio of 3D-enabling applications for transforming almost any ordinary business come to mind: large data-set visualization, videoconferencing, and on-demand video.

43. What in the west is considered serious misconduct (cheating at exams, fabricating research data, ghostwriting or plagiarism come to mind) are routine practices and seldom punished.

44. Through the (great many) years since then, Breasted's work has repeatedly come to mind, both for the significance of his thesis and the quality of his writing

45. One thing that likely doesn't come to mind is a vision of a country, an open economy, whose citizens have access to a wide range of affordable consumer products.

46. One category of foods that were thought to be Aphrodisiacs are foods that resemble genitalia. Eggs and caviar may come to mind, as well as asparagus, celery, and onions

47. Sacred Activisms When the notion of sacred Activisms come to mind, the usual impression is that traditional activism interacts with and acknowledges the ‘spiritual’ in order to accomplish its set goals.

48. The first word that might come to mind from a look at Jana Brike’s painting “The Witching Hour” is “surreal.” Two teenage girls wearing shifts wade through an indeterminate body of water

49. Beersheba—The Last Stop And A Point Of Beginning Just say the name, “Beersheba,” and images come to mind of an old, crusty patriarch leaning on his staff in the dry winds of the wilderness

50. It might sound tacky, and memories of our junior high days when giggly girls covered their backpacks, shoes, and each other in ridiculous rhinestone motiffs probably come to mind, but Bejewelling skulls is so much more