针状 in Vietnamese

  • {acerous} , (thực vật học) hình kim (lá thông, lá tùng...)
    - {aciform} , hình kim

Sentence patterns related to "针状"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "针状" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "针状", or refer to the context using the word "针状" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 纤维状的细小针状结晶,溶於水和酒精。

2. 它的树干长满针状刺,好像在说“生人勿近!” 似的。

3. 蓝宝石和红宝石有时含有60度和120度结晶构造的微量针状钛。

4. 莳萝是草本植物,外形似茴芹,植株高约0.5米(2英尺),叶呈针状,鲜绿色,花黄色,成伞状。

5. 近代,几种在巴勒斯坦广泛种植的小麦都是有芒的,即其籽实的外壳上长着粗糙的针状物,在圣经时代可能也一样。