针织品 in Vietnamese

  • {knitgoods}
    - {knitwear} , đồ đan, quần áo đan; hàng dệt kim

Sentence patterns related to "针织品"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "针织品" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "针织品", or refer to the context using the word "针织品" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. ● 做拼花被、钩针织品、编织衣服;编绳结,做陶瓷或其他手工艺品

2. 现在技术虽然现代化了,但这些勤劳的印第安人却仍然能够织出上乘的针织品和毛毯。

3. ” 两位搭档于1987年推出了一个独立的针织品系列,并于1989年开始设计内衣系列和海滩装系列。

4. 然而帮助出乎意料的临到,一所专治伤残人士的医院院长问我肯不肯制造针织品供医院使用。