针锋相对 in Vietnamese

  • {eye for eye}
    - {tit for tat}

Sentence patterns related to "针锋相对"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "针锋相对" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "针锋相对", or refer to the context using the word "针锋相对" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 箴言15:1)针锋相对只能使事态恶化。

2. 一个专家小组指出:“吵架大大伤害了夫妻感情。 两口子越吵越激烈,彼此针锋相对,夫妻恩爱之情因而大受破坏。”

3. 有些司法管辖区提供另外的解决方法,例如庭外调解,以免离婚父母在法庭上针锋相对,把双方冲突的机会减到最少。

4. 如果夫妻俩老是针锋相对,无法心平气和地交谈,明智的做法就是请一位成熟的朋友做调解员,帮助你俩冷静地分析彼此间的歧见。