被打倒 in Vietnamese

  • {hit the deck}
    - {hit the mat}

Sentence patterns related to "被打倒"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "被打倒" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "被打倒", or refer to the context using the word "被打倒" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 但若在途中被打倒則會丟失所持道具。

2. 54軍團黑人士官長稱,他是在攻堅時被打倒於要塞外的。

3. 白面者被打倒後,以靈魂的姿態陪著丈夫和孩子們的向潮祝福。

4. 援助T细胞一旦被打倒,免疫系统就一筹莫展,结果使爱滋病患者很容易染上各种疾病。

5. 之後由於黃金三兄弟將要被改造成鋼鐵士兵、於是變成要阻止去拯救它們的馬林等人,但卻被打倒

6. 16 “我们在每一方面受压迫,却不致动弹不得;我们感到困惑,却不是绝对没有出路,我们饱受逼迫,却没有被丢弃;我们被打倒,却不致被毁灭。