被扰乱 in Vietnamese

  • {multilated}

Sentence patterns related to "被扰乱"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "被扰乱" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "被扰乱", or refer to the context using the word "被扰乱" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 而地面上的鸟 叫声通常调子更低 这样当它们在森林的地面上蹦蹦跳跳时 声音也不会被扰乱

Những chú chim ở gần mặt đất có tiếng hót trầm hơn, để âm thanh không bị bóp méo khi nó va chạm vào nền đất trong rừng.

2. 但是其他科学家持相反意见,他们说这些标记基因在使用前已经被扰乱,这样就能解除这方面的危机。

3. 在本报告所述期间,科特迪瓦的安全局势依然无法预料,主要是因为流动法庭听讯工作被扰乱,战斗人员在进驻营地之前聚集在缺乏适当设施的地方所面临的条件,国家复员方案领导人和民兵领导人在执行解散民兵并解除其武装的方案方面发生分歧,有毒废物丑闻,政治领导人的煽动言论,各政党在过渡期即将结束之时对陷入僵局的和平进程的态度以及公务员和宪兵人员举行的一系列罢工和抗议。