完好无损 in Vietnamese

  • {in good condition}
    - {in good repair}

Sentence patterns related to "完好无损"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "完好无损" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "完好无损", or refer to the context using the word "完好无损" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 如果它们完好无损,则会被售往杂货店。

2. 可是,他把饼递给使徒时,身体仍是完好无损的。

Tuy nhiên, thân thể Chúa Giê-su vẫn còn nguyên vẹn khi ngài chuyền bánh.

3. 拉撒路死后身体已开始腐烂,但耶稣使他复活时,他的身体是完好无损的。[

4. 在一次例行的X射线胸肺检验里,医生发现我那完好无损的一边肺长了肿瘤。

5. 所以要为他们造一幢新楼对我们是一项令人畏惧的工作 要保持完好无损的外表 又要允许他们在里面做各种试验性的事

6. 出12:12,13)逾越节羊羔的骨头一根也不可折断;耶稣死的时候,他全身的骨头也完好无损,因为士兵没有按照当时的惯常做法打断他的骨头。(