向前推进 in Vietnamese

  • {thrust one's way}

Sentence patterns related to "向前推进"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "向前推进" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "向前推进", or refer to the context using the word "向前推进" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 尽管这样,推土机还是不断向前推进,深入亚马逊雨林。

2. 支撑物逐渐向前推进,工作方位的屋顶干脆让它塌下。”

3. 向前推进意味着历史性地结束长达十年的停滞和僵持状态。

4. 许多年前,他们「用〔他们的肩膀〕扛起巨轮」13,他们继续向前推进、向前迈进、向上提升。

5. 她说:“如果女人要继续在男人世界里向前推进......而又‘不致变成像男人一样’的话,女权主义就需要有新的思想才行。”

6. 圣经用尼罗河漫过两岸的洪水来形容向前推进的军队。( 耶46:7,8;47:2,3)先知阿摩司预告,不忠的以色列必焦虑不安,就像尼罗河涨涨落落一样。(