偿付能力 in Vietnamese

  • {solvency} , tình trạng có thể trả được nợ

Sentence patterns related to "偿付能力"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "偿付能力" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "偿付能力", or refer to the context using the word "偿付能力" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 我们重申,如果对债务国偿付能力评估不足,有可能导致危机或加剧危机,使金融体系更为脆弱。

2. 但是监管部门的估值规则必须配以逆周期措施,如欧盟偿付能力II制度下将实施的那类调整,以避免保险公司在经济下行时被迫出售资产。

3. 报告中讨论的模拟分析表明,如果设计得当,这些干预措施可以比标准的财政刺激措施更加有效,特别是当银行的脆弱性对有偿付能力的住户和企业无法进行有效的信贷配给时。